
Young and devastated,please read?

by  |  earlier

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am in my mid twenties, beautiful with some minus points of course:), and so miserable. I cannot figure out why at this age, I just cannot find love. I am so alone. What happens to me generally is that I attract jerks, and the men I like they do not care for me or they care then nothing develops or happens!! I find myself developing a complex, because I am tired of my life and myself. I see girls, not beauties even, happy and smiling, but why I cannot? I tried the internet as a way out to no avail. I met nice men twice but it failed, because they just disappeared!!! How can I go on like this? Please help me, cos am so tired. Thanks




  1. How did you learn that you are not deserving of good things, good people, and respect in your life?  If those questions do not ring a bell, how is it you express interest in a guy or what is it about you that attracts jerks?

  2. Don't take this the wrong way because I'm not trying to sound mean but it sounds like you're trying too hard. Love should come naturally. Sometimes love comes when you're not even looking. You are still really young to be worrying about this! Maybe you need a change of scenery. Go on a trip to Europe or something. Who knows who you could meet there! Maybe it's just the guys in your town who are like that. Don't lose hope! You have a lot to offer and there is someone out there for you. Trust me. Just sit back and relax! It'll happen for you.

  3. The truth is, you will not find love with another until you first learn to love yourself.

    You're seeking outside of yourself for love and happiness, and for someone else to make you feel OK.  But if YOU don't love you and think you're a worthwhile person, why should anyone else think so?

    Your neediness and lack of self esteem evidently comes across to the men you meet as desperation, and its a turn-off, quite frankly. And the men who are attracted to you are only interested in exploiting your neediness for their own purposes.

    Stop looking to men and romantic attachments to make you feel better about yourself.  Learn to love and appreciate the unique and beautiful human being that you are, and to appreciate and be grateful for all the wonderful things in your life.  If you go looking for love you won't find it.  When you can be happy with who you are and enjoy your own company without needing a partner to complete you or make you feel good about yourself, then you will attract love into your life.

  4. Try e-harmony, seriously.

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