
Young driver insurance in the UK?

by  |  earlier

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how much would I need to pay for insurance if i'm 17,18,19,20 years old? and which cars are the cheapest for that age?

When does it get cheaper?

should I wait, when im 21? or it depends on driving experience?





  1. the best types of cars to start off on are ford fiesta, vauxhall nova engine sizes of between 1000cc and 1200cc . A 17yr old would expect to pay at least 1200 to 1700 third party fire and theft. But if you are accident free after 1yr you will get a 30 percent discount. Your insurance will go down substantially . It will def go down because you will be a year older as well. You could wait until your 21 but you will still pay a lot for your insurance cos you are still in the highest risk of 17yr old toI 25 yr old. I would recommend you have a look on the internet at such sites as confused you know the search engines... Good Luck

  2. Hi!! I have worked for an insurance company for years, and it really does depend on the car which you have as well as your age. You need to research the insurance groups. insurance groups range from 1-20 (20 being the highest!) Use the link below for parkers insurance groups to give you an idea. You put the make and model in of the car, and it will tell you what group, or select the group,a nd it will give you a list of cars which fall into that group.

    When you are 18, it is a lot easier to find cheaper insurance than when your 17. At 18 you can also pay by direct debit when your 18, which you cannot do at 17. At the end of the day, males pay approx double in insurance than females until they have a few years No claims bonus.

    I have seen prices with our company range from around £1000 for a 17 year old, all the way up to aout £4000 upwards. It does also depend on where you live. For example, inner london will cost way more than scottish highlands, it goes on your postcode, and how many claims have been in that area in the last few years.

    I cannot give an exact price as it does depend on so much, but wait until you are on a full license, rather than a provisional, and be prepared to pay a fair amount. Call around, or go online (but if you go online, always call the company after you have got the price to go through the details, and check everything is correct).

    You can lower the price, by having lower cover, or by highering your excess (the amount you have to pay out in the event of a claim!) But always get a quote before you buy the car. I have had 17 year old's call who have brought for example a VW Gold GTI because it was only £300, and the insurance is a small fortune, because of the GTi model!!

    Good luck.

  3. it depends on how long you have been driving, i paid £860 on a 1.2 for my first year of insurance at 18, and it has steadily gone down to £400 and something on a 1.4 now I'm in my around though, get lots of quotes

  4. Best way to start is to get a small sized engine car..

    Don't need to splash out on a really expensive new one..

    1993 Ford Fiesta MK3 1.1L

    Cheap and easy..

    As long as your a safe driver your insurance will go down and down every year..

    Goodluck buddy

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