
Young golden willow tree Help!?

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I have a yound golden weeping willow tree we just bought this Spring, it was doing great, leaves all green. It's about 12 ft tall & is in a giant pot with drainage (this autume we're planting it upstate). All of a sudden it's droped almost all of it's leaves! Since it hasn't rained in a month we thought the sun was frying it. But we water it every day, & the plant nursery said maybe too much water. We moved it in a shady place in case it's the sun.

What do you think is bothering my tree? It's bug free so it's not that. Do think it's the heat? Please help!




  1. Treat the root zone with Epsom salts, which contains a sulfur compound. It gives bugs a hot foot. Be sure the pot is draining. Drill some holes to assure that. We had a root bound maple that behaved inn a similar manner. Did you add fertilizer in the Spring? Don't do it too late in the season.

  2. try this site it may help a little.

  3. what color is the pot?.... if it's dark, I'd suggest that the pot is heating up too much in the sun and the soil is too warm.... put some other pots of leafy tall plants around it to shade it if you think that might be a problem..... also, be sure that the pot's drainage is good.... but not TOO good!... the water has to stay around the roots long enuff for the roots to absorb it!... if the pot is filled with roots, that cannot happen.... or if it's ever gone dry, the soil can pull away from the sides of the pot and any water added then, will just flow down the inside of the pot and not soak into the root ball..... one other thing.... you've had it since spring.... and have been watering... have you fed it at all?.... all the watering has prob removed anything 'edible' over the last months... a light feed now and another in a  few weeks might turn it around......

    that's a lovely tree.. hope it recovers for you....

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