
Young lots of kids and stressed out?

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My sister went to prison a 2 years ago leaving me with her 4 children. A year after having them i had my own son at the age of 18. I am 19 almost 20 now and this summer is really stressing me out. Does anyone know how to destress? When its all quiet i feel bored and dont really know what to do. any suggestions on how to destress?




  1. I know exactly what you mean about being bored when its quiet. What I do is throw myself into some sort of craft or project. I write alot, but I also sew and crochet and even do wood working which I highly recommend in the summer.

  2. First of all, I know exactly how u feel. I'm 22, have 4 young children, a 4 year old son, 1 1/2 year old daughter, and 3 month old twin girls.... But my biggest stress reliever is that I have arranged with my mom and my aunt to watch the kids for 30 - 45 minutes each evening so I could walk. At first I was like... "I chase 4 kids all day, i'm too tired to walk by the evening".... but actually it's a great stress reliever and i've ended up having more energy since I've started doing it just a couple weeks ago... I walk 2 miles each day and it feels great... good luck

  3. spa spa spa!!!

  4. go to a pool, OR fill your bath tub up with HOT WATER, light some cnadles, and just soak in the bath tub, play some music if ya like!

    OR, treat yourself to a message! =]

  5. drop em in a foster for a couple minutes...=P

  6. pray to God he will surely help:)

  7. Oh you poor woman! Are the kids all on a good sleep schedule? Do you get any alone time when they go to bed? My lord! 5 Kids at 19. My only advice would be to get in a big bubble bath with a glass of wine and good book. I am sending you strength - you have a Herculean task here and I think you are an amazing person for caring for all these kids. God bless you!

    Edit: Heheh! Sorry, you are 19 - I shouldn't be telling you to drink - whoops!

  8. You should get some psychological help.  Talking to someone about what's going on really helps. They help you make goals for yourself.

  9. get them to bed. Run a bubble bath and get a trashy book and enjoy.

  10. Think that when you were in spirit form that you planned your whole life and this situation was part of it, Pretend you are a Day care teacher and the kids are your class. You have already made two commitments by your actions.  Live up to them

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