
Young motherhood????

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What are the pros and cons of being a young mother (by young I mean early 20s)?Also if you were/are a young mom was it planned or unplanned?Would there be anything you would change?Thanks




  1. im a 27 yr old mother of two (plus three bratty stepkids that i hate).  i had my first kid when i was 18, he is now 9.  and i had my daughter when i was 23.  the pros are that im so young so i have lots of energy to run around and play with my kids.  the cons are that when ur 18 and ur pregnant, ppl look down on you like "omg why didnt she keep her legs closed!" and i looked 13 or 14 when i was 18 it was bad!

  2. Well there are lots of pros and cons but I was also a young mother when I say young I mean I was 15 years old when I got pregnant and of course it was hard but I did it, I was still in HS but I did finish. Now I am 24 and my baby is now 7 years old he is a hand full but I manage to have enough energy to keep up with him. And he is always talking about how cool it is to have a young mom who will be with him for a very long time! He is my sweet hear!  

  3. I had my son when I was 23 and it was planned.  I was married a month before I turned 19 (not a great idea now that I look back) and after 4 years of marriage we decided to have a baby.  My son is the best thing that has ever happened to me.  Since I am a young mom, I think that I am better able to really get down on his level and play with him.  Now that he is almost 2 we are always having fun together.  One of the things that was not great about having a child young is the money issue.  Of course money is not an issue for everyone, but for you average Jane like me, working a full time job and living pay check to pay check is really stressful.  I think that it is the best to be established before you think about kids.  Think of all the expenses you are going to incur, then see if you can afford it or not.  A friend once told me though, if we all thought about if we could really afford children, then none of us would ever have any....well except for Brad and Angelina.

  4. I had my daughter when I was 20 and it was unplanned, but definitely a blessing. I certainly did not picture my life happening this way, but I wouldn't change a thing. I am excited to raise her and I'll be learning from my mistakes just as any first time mom would do, regardless of her age. But I consider myself a d**n good mom :)

  5. I had my daughter when I was 21 and she was planned.  It was tough since I was still going to college at the time, but I wouldn't change anything.  Obviously when you're young, you're not as well established or financially well-off.  However, if you do wait, who's to say you'll be any more secure in 15 years?  I would like to have another child, but will not have any past the age of 30.  That's my own personal cut-off when I feel that i'd be too old to parent a child.  I feel being a younger mom I have more energy and have more in common with my daughter then if I were older.

  6. three bratty stepkids that you hate?  wow.  sounds like you need to get some perspective.  you married a man who had kids and you shouldn't play favorites like that.

  7. well you cant go out and do things like you did before just up and go when ever you want, and yes if you look younger then you are you do get nasty looks from people. i had my daughter at 19 and looked like i was 14. however your twenties is like the prime time to have children your body can handle it better then if you were to wait. it was not planned in the least but has been the best unexpected thing in my life she will be a yr net month and is mommys little angel. wouldnt change a thing
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