
Young offenders are not being rehibilitated by going to?

by  |  earlier

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Teenage jail. Its a walk in the park for them. Some of whom have left someone either dead, half dead or permanently scarred. They are idolised by their friends and nurtured by the goverment. What is the answer? Hard labour? stiffer sentences? Thoughts?




  1. Treating juvenile offenders more harshly will not "rehabilitate" them. They need to learn how to care for others and treat others with respect, and they will not learn this unless they are treated the same.

    The best programs for youth offenders - with the lowest recidivism rates - are those in which teenagers work with animals. They gain useful job skills for when they leave detention and they also learn to care about something other than themselves.

  2. You are referring to the recent horrific killing of Garry Newlove and others, and the lack of remorse shown by their killers. But unfortunately in a liberal democracy, very little can be done. What you are perhaps suggesting - hard labour, stiffer sentences, etc.- will not happen because in our system, the more liberal tendencies almost always gain the ascendancy in the end. This is not because they are fairer. Rather it's because it is often the route of least resistance. Any close study of ancient civilisations will bear this out. I'm aware what I'm saying is not popular, but it is what I think  obtains in the real world. Whether we think it is right or not, the killers has lodged their appeal, and, in time, may be granted shorter sentences. Meanwhile, they will have their 'walk in the park', and you and I can do nowt about it. Sometimes, true justice can only be meted out by an authority governed by integrity, and that is willing to see wrongs being righted, if necessary, by force.

  3. same as adults there are lots of guys and girls in jail that have mental disorders that are never treated

  4. Lets go back to the Victorian Jailhouse.

    The treadmill,picking hardened tar from ropes,rock breaking and the criminals in a circle,facing each others back,holding a heavy weight.Then move forward 2 steps,put weight down.Move forward pick weight up etc.etc.

    No TV,radio,just tedious hard labour.

  5. parenting classes ... it may b 2 l8 4 this generation but mayb we can help the nxt

  6. bring back hanging or even the gas chambers for murderers and paedos. and the young offenders send them to iraq and afghanistan the army will sort these a******s out

  7. Sign them up to military or manual apprenticeships! Or put them in the jails with the adults and give the little bas'ds a real scare!

    The old Borstal was the real deal!

  8. well, eventually, they will have no life, no future, and it will be a waste of human mass.  I think we need to hold the parents responsible.  if the kids s***w up then the parents should be thrown into prison, and the kids taken away... then maybe the kids will have a chance with parents that care about their welfare.

  9. National Service.......make them show respect for others. make them rely on others and others rely on them. make them see that they will have to work for what they can have and not have it handed on a plate when they demand it. being conscripted should never have ended.

    My son would have benefitted from it, instead he was pandered to and has sadly turned into a thug with little or no respect.

    empty out the prisons and get them to do something worthwhile with their lives instead of draining society.

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