
Young or older person.?

by  |  earlier

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which will have the better chance at becoming fisherman on the tournament trail ( young person or older person ) why do you think this




  1. older people are more expierienced than younger

  2. I think the perfect tourney team would be a young person and an older person because the elderly have more wisdom and experience and the younger person can do all the fishing.

  3. For me it's pretty much un-decided. Older people are pretty much set in their ways, even when they use new techniques. The younger guys are always willing to explore and take the chance. The older guys know a lot more but the new guys are up to speed and look for newer ways to perfect the moves.

    All in all, it's a matter of who has the most patience and desire.~good luck catchin'.

  4. younger they may not have all the experiece yet but the have more time than older people and will most likeyhave a goal of becoming pro someday.

  5. i don't know man that's a tough question! it deserves a star! but i would have to say younger because those trails are tough and you need to be in shape! but then the older people have more experience....? younger!

  6. Younger because those tournament trails are rigorous and require a lot of work. Even Kevin Van Dam Gets streched to the limit, it's just harder these days.

  7. I would say a younger person -- let's face it, fishing isn't brain surgery, and if a kid's been fishing seriously since he was 10, by the time he's 25 or so he's got an awful lot of experience.

    An older guy might know a bit more, but may lack the stamina to keep it up day in and day out.

  8. Older Person the experience is already accumulated for them the Young person could eventually make it if they continue to amass the experience.

  9. Everyone is different in age and abilities so I believe it really depends on the individual.

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