
Young parents any advice?

by Guest66821  |  earlier

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is there anyyoung parents out there ? tell me wat age you had your baby and any advice in dealing with being pregnant at a younge age .




  1. im 17, my gf is 16, our baby isnt due till January 13th 09!

    so sorry i dont have any advice :)

    good luck.

  2. Being a young parent isnt easy let me just say that. It does have its challenges. But it is very rewarding. I was 19 when I delivered my son. It is still challenging. Im 21 and pregnant with my second. I have people questioning my parenting all the time. As long as your parents back you up and you stick to your parenting and what you want then you will be ok. If u need to talk message me and we will chat. I maybe able to help specific questions easier. Good luck

  3. had my first at 18 my 2nd at 20 and will have my third while i'm 22. Being pregnant young you need to eat healthy because your body is still growing women don't stop growing until they are 21. Make sure you brush your teeth often, pregnancy takes a toll on your teeth. Remember you will have ups and downs cause of mood swings and the world is not falling apart well good luck.

  4. I got pregnant at 19 and had my baby by 20. I think it is hard to be pregnant young because yes you will always get those people who stare at you and judge you. The most important thing though is that you feel comfortable with having a baby. It is a ton of work but being younger I think you have the energy to keep up with a baby / toddler. I enjoy the fact that when I take my little girl to the playground, I can get up and go play with her too. I don't care what people think and I am young enough that I can keep up with her.  

  5. I'm due today actually, but still no signs of him coming. I'm 18 years old. As for advice w/ being pregnant and being so young, its hard. People look at you different and treat you different all the time! I had a lady look at my stomach, look at me, and she shook her head and said what a shame. But it doesn't matter how people look at you, or how they react to you being young and pregnant. What matters is how good of a mom you will be.

  6. my story is different I have never been pregnant but I have a daughter she is adopted and I'm only 22 I got custody of my daughter right after she was born and when her mother died I was able to adopt her after her biological father signed over his rights when I got married my husband adopted her as his own.I was 20 when she was born she just turned 3. the only advice I can give you is to put your child first any and all fun will have to wait unless it involves your child listen and don't be afraid to ask your parents or other family for advice. lots of sleepless nights and headaches but lots of joy too. good luck.

  7. I found out I was pregnant two days before i graduate. I had my baby when i was 18..I'm almost 21 now and I have a happy husband and daughter and we're trying for number 2...people do look at you weird but oh well you have to get over it..its getting a lot common where I live it....I live in Scott County in Indiana and we are the county with the most teenage pregnacies...

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