
Young people just don't that why they follow this Pied Piper?

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I was given a lecture today by my 20 year old grandson on politics and why I should vote for Obama....I'm still laughing!

They don't understand...we have seen his type before...many times!

I slowly went through the facts, showed him his many promises. My fear is that if Sen.Obama gets elected and of course falls on his face..these kids will forever be turned off on politics forever. They really believe in this man and what he say's...they can't see through his slick Madison Ave bull. These kids really mean well...h**l most of them believe we are in the worst mess this country has ever seen...and only their savior can fix the "mess" he tells them about.

Have any of you experienced this?




  1. Both McCain and Obama are cons. I take it you will be voting third party?

  2. Did it ever occur to you that by laughing at your grandson and "slowly" going through the "facts" as YOU see them, you probably did more damage than Obama could ever do to him. I hope he laughed at you when you finished, you would have deserved it. I am close to your age, and I respect the views of young people since it is more their world then ours since we will be leaving it a lot sooner than they will. Yes, we have had bad times before, but that does not negate the problems we have now, debt, unemployment, high gas prices, high food prices, etc. Sometimes I think that we don't gain wisdom as we grow old, we become arrogant, smug and condescending. If McCain gets elected it is your grandson, not you, who will be drafted to go fight another senseless war, so maybe you should at least give your grandson, young people,  and Obama the benefit of the doubt, they just might be right and you could very well be wrong.

  3. I agree with you that Obama's a complete charlatan, but let's be serious here. Do you really "fear" what happens if he's elected? Really? I hear armageddonish -is that a word- talk from people all the time, about both candidates, in every election.

    One year Reagan's going to blow up the world for laughs. Then Clinton's going to sell our kids to China for campaign money. Then Bush is going to sacrifice our children to the war machine and financial ruin. Yet after 4 or 8 years I look up and somehow the country has survived.

    You'll survive. I'll survive. We'll all survive. And in the meantime your grandkid will get a dose of cold political reality.

    Let the kid live his own life and come to his own conclusions about the world.

  4. Yes and it's sad to say the least. They also believe Al Gore authentically wrote his documentary and Micheal Moore movies are factual. God help the next generations.

  5. i dont get it either, but i think you're right about your point that you see through it because you've seen it all before

    most people dont see through the first con men they see

    but they sure look out for con men after they've been burned by one

  6. ...and a child shall lead them.

    As a product of the 1960's, it was my generation that hoped to change the world.  It has always been the younger generation that effects change.  It's not the old fogeys who are stuck in a time warp.

    It's time for change again.  And before you say what "change?"  Let me remind you of the messes with social security, health care system, education reform, foreign policies, etc.  

    Stop laughing and listen to your grandson.  You could learn something. If our generation had all the answers, maybe we wouldn't be in this mess.

  7. Well. I do not know anyone personally that is voting for Obama. I come onto yahoo answers and it does seem like the very young people that are voting for him. I am 32. I still don't think that I would be tricked by him though even 10 yrs ago.

    mccain/palin '08

  8. It's really frightening how this charlatan manipulates immature kids.

  9. I see it all the time.  

    Here's another thing.  If you asked young people what their opinion is on the issues, I've found that most agree with McCain.  A LOT.  But young people have just decided to back Obama, even though, intellectually, they agree more with McCain.  Style over substance.

  10. Well, with all due respect sir, I would argue that you are failing to realize that your own perspective is just as influenced by your advanced age as your grandson's is by his young age. You imply that your years have made you cynical and unwilling to trust, but are apparently willing to believe McCain when he pledges not to raise taxes, keep spending on Iraq and reduce the deficit.

    I have met loads of older folks who are enthusiatic supporters of Senator Obama; they have been through the same times you have, and have come to a completely different conclusion.  

  11. Why do McCain supporters assume Obama's supporters are "young"?  I'm old enough to have a 20 year old kid myself!

    I've never seen another Obama...

    Obama/Biden 08

  12. Yes and besides the Madison Avenue BS is the relatively small time frame they have had to  form the basis of "worst ever".  Worst ever for them is about 10 years if that.

    Further, their point of reference is $2 gas (mine is 29 cents) before n**i Pelosi and Dingy Harry took over the two houses of government and turned it into $4 gas, blaming it on President Bush.

    In time they too will be asking the same question you are. Unfortunately by then it may be too late for all of us.

    McCain/Palin '08

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