
Young people with more then one child?

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I am only 20 on my second child and am wondering how many people out there had more then one child when theywere young. how old were you and how did it turn out. Id love to hear your experiences.

No negativity please its just a question, Thanks!




  1. i'm 23 and will have 3 children ages 61/2, 18 months, and one is due aug was hard with my first, i had him at 16 but i woudn't change anything, other then that things are great i'm married and am truly blessed with a wonderful family!

  2. I am now 32 yrs old and have a 13, 11, and 5 yr old..I got married at 18 and have been married for alittle over 14 yrs now--it's been great. I love that I had my children young and have been able to enjoy them and relate with them more.  I love that I won't be old when their in college & I love that I will be able to enjoy my hubby when all our children are out of the house...I look forward to being a grandma in my 40's instead of my 50-60-70's--think I will be able to be more involved.  Having them young wasn't easy--but don't think it's easy to have them older either :)

  3. My husband and I met 7 years ago on the 13th of Aug. Got together 7 years ago next March (6 months after we met). Moved in together shortly aftwerward, and immediately started planning a life (researching realestate nationwide, as well as learning about finances/economics.) Did a bit of traveling. We were living in Las Vegas when we were we had our fun. Decided we were ready to start a family, and got pregnant when I was 17. Moved 2200 miles, and got married when I was still 17. Had our daughter 2 weeks 2 days after I turned 18. Bought our home on an acre of land 2 miles off the lake when I was 19. Had a miscarriage at 7 weeks pregnant at the age of 20. Got pregnant with our son 6 weeks after the miscarriage, with the help in timing from my doctor. Had him at 21. Decided we wanted 1 more, and fairly close together. So when our son was 4 months old, we got pregnant with this baby.

    As for our relationship, it's better than ever. We had a very hectic negative family life prior to getting together, and have since removed our parents from our lives completely. (druggies/drunks/violent good) We have 0 desire to go out for "me" time. We simply stay home, and enjoy one another and the kids most days. If we do go out, it's too the zoo, or historic mansion the next town over, to the Aquarium, the Smokies (less than 1 hour drive), to the state park, things like that. I focus on teaching the kids more than much else. I'm a stay at home mom, so I figure it's time well spend in raising intelligent kids lol.

    As for the overall situation. It's very detailed, and unique. We got together when I was 15, and started planning for travel, finances, and home purchase within that first year. So kids surely didn't stop any of that. If anything having our daughter threw us into overdrive in acheiving our goals. We sat down when I was 15, and made our "10-year plan". In our sheer amazement, everything was accoplished in 4 years. So we figured...why wait to have more. We knew we wanted 2-3 kids, so once we boght the home, it just made sense to keep the kids close in age. Our daughter was 3 years 1 month and 2 days old when our son was born...and she was starting to get lonely. It all worked out as we had hoped/planned it would. We just had no idea all the time and effort put in years prior, would have allowed us now to have what we do.

  4. Well define "young"..because I am 29 going on 30 in November 2008 and I am still I was 22 when I had my first child, 25 with my second and will be 30 with my 3rd and final child. You'll learn to adjust one way or another no matter how old you are or how many kids you have. Good luck

  5. yeah I'm 16

    i have a daughter she 4 months and so far it gets rough but

    i love her more then anything age doesn't determine how good a mother you can be I'm going to be 17 in march but I MIGHT BE PREGO AGAIN it will be hard but god wouldn't throw things at you that you couldn't handle and i don't have the heart for an abortion

  6. Well i was 23 and my partner 22 when we found out we were having twins ..boy and girl was hard work and more so when our twin son was diagnosed with autism but we coped and stuck together ..we have been together 14 years now and the twins are 10 ..

    Congrats on your new arrival x

  7. Im 24 and have 3 kids. my gf got pregnant the first time when she was 13 and i was 14.

  8. My mother had two kids by the time she was 22.  She said it wasso much easier having kids so young.  You have more patience, more engergy.  I am also in my 20's and fairly young.  I ahve a 7 month old and am 13 weeks pregnant with number two.  I am glad I am young.

  9. i had my first baby at 18 and my second at 21.  it had it's ups and downs for me, but if i had to do it over i would not have changed it.i am now 38 and going to be a grandma soon. i am thrilled!!!!!!!

  10. I got pregnant 3 months before I turned 19 and then I got pregnant when I was 20. So I had 2 children at the age of 20 and now I am 25 and expecting twins.  

    Congratz to you for your new baby.=)

  11. I too am almost 21, I have 2 children, ages 2 1/2 and 7 months. I am also married. Everything has gone wonderful. God has blessed us alot! We have 2 beutiful babies and are very happy. I am all for having kids when you are younger bc I feel you can enjoy them even more!!!

    How far along are you and how old is your first baby>>>??

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