
Young queen elizabeth II?

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Do you think that QEII was attractive as a young woman and aged beautifully? She is after all 81.

C:\Documents and Settings\david mele\My Documents\My Pictures\blackinwhiteprettyone.jpg

C:\Documents and Settings\david mele\My Documents\My Pictures\blkwhitequeen.bmp

C:\Documents and Settings\david mele\My Documents\My Pictures\HUGELIZ.jpg

i do apologize that i couldn't get them to turn blue. i tried lol. But what do you think?




  1. she has aged wonderfully.

    Bless her Heart

  2. I think you need to go back to the gossip and fashion and society magazines of her youth to see pictures of the then Princess Elizabeth and Princess Margaret. They both looked quite good in their youth. Margaret was more fashion forward, but then she could afford to be because she was younger, and didn't have the same duties to perform.

    I think the Queen looks great for her age. She looks younger than many of the 60ish women I see in the grocery store. But she has always looked after herself. She avoids staying out in the sun too long. Or at least protects her skin with a hat. She drinks moderately, eats well but fairly plain food and retires at a good hour. She also gets exercise riding and walking her estates. (She does ride less now because of the fear she could be hurt.)

    The Queen knows that many people have worked long and hard to bring her trips and engagements into being, so she does everything she can to reduce illness and catching bugs going around. That's in part why she wears gloves - they protect her hands from the physical pain of shaking so many hands and block the spread of viruses which could give her a cold. On a royal tour she won't eat shellfish for fear of getting sick and she travels with her own supply of water from Balmoral to avoid bugs that might be in the local water supply.

  3. I suppose she was reasonably attractive when younger but, unfortunately, due to inbreeding the royals all have the same look. The women are small and dumpy with square faces, a little horsey looking, and the men tall, lanky, with big noses, weak chins and a little stupid looking. This is probably because they are actually Germans who have interbred with the English, although Prince Phillip is Greek. As far as aging beautifully is concerned it's because they live a pampered life of wealth and privilege, never lift a finger to do anything physical other than when enjoying themselves on horses, skiing or killing animals for fun, are fed the very best of food, get the most exclusive medical attention and haven't a worry in the world. They are even dressed by servants. They are notoriously long lived, well wouldn't you be with all that luxurious lifestyle.

    I tell you what ....... I wish I was one.

  4. She was a beautiful young woman,as was her sister,Margaret. Elizabeth,however,has always been a country woman,more at home in her tweeds than when dressed up,"And queening it,"as she puts it. Margaret was always the "pretty one," when the sisters were growing up,because Elizabeth was always a very serious-minded person,well-aware that one day she would hold a job of great significance. She looks good for her age,I think.

  5. Elizabeth has always dressed somewhat like a frump, matronlike, so her style has changed little over the years. I guess because of the times she lived in, being a glamour gal would not have been seen favorably by people having to rebuild a country after WWII. The people wanted a dependable monarch and her father was very much loved, so her values were different and she was not concerned with fashion, unlike so many royals today. She is a practical person who does not rely on designers to boost her image.

    She does take good care of her image and has aged gracefully, of course she has less worries on her mind than the rest of us non-royals, so stress has not etched lines on her face, also she gets the best medical care money can afford, as well as skin treatments and the like. Actually she does look a bit like when she was young, although she has aged gracefully.

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