
Young teams vs. Old teams???

by Guest61740  |  earlier

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Where do people get it that Young teams are better than Older teams I don't get who started that. Honestly name a young team thats won in the last ten years. Just in the last 3 years its been the old teams in the league Spurs (old), Celtics (really old), Heat (older but not that old not young though), Spurs (old)...........and it goes on so why do you think young teams are better and old teams suck!!!




  1. that's an easy answer Kallie:

    SAYING is easier than DOING....

    or as Red used to say "it's all BULLSHIT until they throw the ball up"...he was frequently brilliant...

  2. cuz old ppl are retiring and starting to get tired of all this


  3. Old teams are judged on players slowing down as the age goes up!!

    Some older players can still play at a high level with a group of good young players around them.

    Great teams have a good mix of players!

  4. Good Point Kallie...But You Know What They Say...You Cant Teach An Old Dog New Tricks...Sometimes Coaches Wanna Be The Trainer...Sometimes The GM Wants A New Face...I Say Have Young Starters Backed Up By Veteren Players OR Vice Versa...The Best Example oF That is...The Lakers or Clippers....The Key Is Not To Go Over Board And Forget To Add In Youth...Perfect Example..The Spurs & Pistons.

  5. Because the Old teams are about to retire. The Young teams maybe coming or all ready in their primes. And they have a long time to go before they retire.  

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