
Young teen,birth control

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well I'm a young teen i been sexually active with my boyfriend . this isn't my first time being sexually active .me and him been using protection until one night we decided not to use it and he thought he *** inside me. i thought i was pregnant until i got my period, i was relieved.and I'm still on my period and as soon I'm off my period I'm taking the b/c pills.

hm well..

is the any health hazard for taking birth control at a young age?

when can i have unprotected s*x during the pill?

is being sexually active at a young age bad?




  1. I´m going to answer your questions in order of importance, not how you have asked them

    Yes, having s*x, being sexually active at a young age is bad!

    You can NEVER have unprotected s*x while on the pill, if you want to be protected from STDs.  

    You can have unprotected s*x at any time after your first full month on the pill, if you are ABSOLUTELY CERTAIN that any partner has no diseases that he can pass on to you.  But ONLY if you are ABSOULTELY CERTAIN!!!!  That means that you KNOW that you both have never had s*x with anyone before, and/or have been tested, and assured that you are clean...and that can take months or years to be sure.  Pregnancy is virtually (meaning almost) impossible once you are protected by the pill.

    YES there are health hazards EVERY time you put a drug into your body.  For the pill, the longer you are on hormone changing drugs, the more likely you are to have breast cancer, blood clottiing, heart disease.  there are a bunch of possible side effects.  check the package.

    You must have birth control pills prescribed.  You can not just take them, and they are to be begun, I believe, just as you finish your period, butyou have to check with the doctor, and you are NOT, I REPEAT NOT protected for the first month!!!   And NOT protected from disease.  And some of those diseases can kill ya.

    Go to the clinic.  Planned Parenthood, Public Nurse, whatever.  Get a full pelvic exam, DISCUSS the options with the doctor or nurse, and then you can make an educated decision, but sweetie, I really hope you can back off, and stop, because the results can be so dire! And you need to finish school!  

  2. The health risks is that The Pill doesn't prevent STDs and  you have a much higher chance of having an STD instead of getting pregnant. If your going to have s*x (bad Idea anyway) use a condom. You won't die from pregnancy but an STD can kill you or have schools stopped educating you about HIV.

  3. yes to all

  4. Having unprotected s*x leaves you open to all STD's which will stay with you for the rest of you life.  We are talking Aids,  Syphlis, Ghonorhea, which you can pass on to others you have s*x with and can pass it onto the baby should you become pregnant.   You both should wear protection because there is no cure except early death.  And it is so easy to prevent.

  5. When your taking the pill, there is a risk for blood clots but its rare. You can start having unprotected s*x after 2 weeks of taking the pill, and the b/c gets more effective as time goes on. Also, I think that if you believe you're ready for s*x then it's OK.

    I would go to your local health department and talk to the nurses there. You can get free b/c and other things there for free until your 18. They have a lot more info then anybody on here can give you.

  6. after your period get on the pill right away. Ideally you need to wait 3-4 months for the pill to get into your system to be fully effective. i still would not have unprotected s*x as you seem like a smart girl and i think you know that even thou you like each other doesnt mean either of you wont end up with someone else. you can still get an std, believe my 16 yr old niece has 2 of them. having s*x at a young age is not good but you are going to do it regardless so just please practice safe s*x...

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