
Young vampire seeking help?

by  |  earlier

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I am a young sanguinarius vampire and I have a problem. My thirst is getting too strong to supress. I have only used a donor one time and one time only. I have a problem getting to the blood... it doesn't work. My donors always freak out at the last minute and I can't take it anymore. I don't want to force people... and I like the thrill of the hunt. It seems useless to get it from a blood-bank. How can I find a donor.. and how can I get my teeth deep enough for the blood to come through before they realize the actuality of it....? This is so hard for me... I don't know how much longer I can go. Please... some advice.




  1. Does that mean vampires are immune to HIV or AIDS?

  2. i think you need help

  3. visit all the websites, get in contact with others

  4. Sanguinarian: Human who drinks the blood of willing, human donors. Never anyone unwilling, and never animals. (For anyone wondering what a Sanguinarian me, some humans do drink blood.)

    --First of all, no sanguinarians force anyone into giving blood, that's why they're called "donors" and not "victims".

    --Secondly, you NEVER use your teeth! For the protection of the donor, you make a clean, small incision with a sterile razor, then take the blood into a container, and drink it from that. Human mouths are ful of bacteria that can cause nasty infections.

    --Third, get in touch with some other Sanguinarians and learn all the ethics of what they do, and why. old are you?

    --Fifth, did you get a signed waiver from someone over 18 saying they are letting you take their blood? If not, they could get you arrested for assault, even if they said it's okay.

    You need to research before you hurt yourself or someone else. Though HIV/AIDS is rare to catch by drinking blood (unless you have a cut in your mouth/throat, actual drinking blood usually won't transmit the virus) there are a lot of other diseases out there that you can catch. Think about Hepatitis. Even your donor could get tetanus if you use your teeth! Also, since you're a minor, the laws about acting out these things are could get you, your donor, and your parents all in trouble if someone complains.

  5. umm, yeeeeeah, your not a sang vamp, your a poser. like you said, you just have a blood fetish, and thats not exactly a healthy thing for a 16 year old.

  6. I usually like to bite girls durring s*x and sink my teeth into them like dracula... if u want to bone HOLLA... ill let u suck all the blood out of somewhere real nice........

  7. You can't be serious

  8. Maybe you could try eating raw steak and see if that helps.

  9. Hunt animals instead. Worked for Edward ;)

  10. Quit fakin' it and grow up. Lying piece of Flotsam. Vampires don't exist just like mermaids don't exist. You need to live in the here and now. Not in the medival times.

  11. Now that freaked me out

  12. if you are a real vampire why are you asking online infront of the whole world also if you are real in i was you go in the forest for 2 weeks and exspience real hunt of animals no donors just hunt and drink

    find a dark cave to sleep in and so on if it works you will be able to hunt easly (i think not a real vampire )but if not and the animals blood messes you up you are sorta screwed look for a elder of some sort  

  13. I think you have an even bigger problem in your future.

    It's called HIV

    Go see a psychiatrist.

  14. The thirst is usually the worst right after awakening, so it will die down eventually. Until then, I have many very useful tips.

    1) As tempting as it is, DON'T HUNT! It is thrilling, and it seems wrong not to, but it's a fast way to get into an asylum if someone presses charges (I speak from experience, and it's HARD to get blood in a padded room!)

    2) This is more of a suggestion, but find a constant donor. Don't hop from one to another, because they probably won't stay long. Find a donor you fit with, and stick with them.

    3) If the only blood you can find is from the blood bank, it's not as bad as you might think. Any sort of frozen or contained blood usually tastes horrible, but there are ways to get around it. One trick that I've been fond of lately is freezing the stored blood, cooking a nice rare steak, then pouring the frozen blood on top and eating it as you usually would. It tastes amazing, the blood doesn't clot as fast, and your thirst gets satisfied.

    4) Don't use teeth. As odd as that sounds, knives are so much more effective. Teeth make puncture wounds, not cuts. On top of that, our mouthes are nearly septic. If you make a wound, it WILL get infected. Also, it's very hard to stop the bleeding of a puncture wound, and we don't want to kill anyone, do we?

    I hope this has helped. It's always hardest the first few feedings. You'll get the hang of it soon. Hope to hear back from you if there's anything I left out, and good luck.

  15. If you were really a Sang then you WOULD NOT be using your d**n teeth to bite people to get blood. I'm not surprised people freak out. Real Sangs also would not be posting on Yahoo Answers. JC i don't even know what to say to you, what your doing is retarded, i suggest you go look at the website and educate yourself.

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