
Young voters?

by  |  earlier

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How do you feel about young voters, some who do not support themselves or have a family, when it comes to voting on economic (taxes) policy, or social programs?




  1. If you are 18 you should be able to vote since that is the law.  When I was 18 I voted and I was really excited about it and researched everything before I did it.

  2. hey...if theyre 18...let them vote...they have a mind and have the rite to cast their opinion

  3. Young voters must vote so that the concerns of their sector will be addressed by the candidate whom they voted for.

  4. I personaly believe that if a person does not have a vested interest in this country like own a property, business, stock ect....... that they should not have a voice. Further more I believe that if one is on goverment assistance of any kind they too should be denied the right to vote. I realize this may be a little hard for some of you to understand but please be open minded. If one does not contribute to the cause then one should not have a voice in the direction of that cause. If one can not swim one does not dictate who holds ones head above water. So to answer your question if the young voter owns property, stock or a business and is not on goverment assistance then I welcome them to vote.
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