
Young woman stabbing a young Mother to death, I'm shocked?

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I read this earlier and I'm shocked what is happening to young people today, is it going to become that children go to school and say 'my mummy stabbed someone' it is very sad your thoughts on this please, thanks.




  1. That's terrible, especially because the kids are going to be badly effected by this. How completely selfish and stupid and downright evil of that woman!

  2. Disgusting!

  3. Shocking Bernie, I agree, especially as she was pregnant herself. Sadly though stabbings seem to be becoming more and more common.

  4. Women are becoming as violent as men and what's with this everyone seems to have weapons now!World's gone mad.

  5. sick

  6. UNDERCLASS nothing better to do

  7. what I cant understand is that even with all the publicity knife crime has got,there are still idiots out there carrying one!

    Pregnant and carrying a knife. I mean WTF? What if in the battle to save her life this poor woman had kicked her and killed her unborn baby.

    This murderer is beyond contempt. Locked away for life and the child immediately taken from her at birth.

  8. Afternoon Bernie

    Shocking story. She was pregnant herself yet attacked another mother. There must be much more to this story - it doesn't sound like the actions of a young mum to be

  9. i bet it was over something stupid as well, probably a bloke ! x

  10. women are getting so violent.

  11. It is getting worse, instead of better. I used to live in Coventry, I was glad to leave, I only lived there for 6 months, and that was long enough for me.

  12. Sickening

  13. damnit i was allready depressed then i read this c**p

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