
Younger 13 yr old relative who smokes cigs all the time?

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My 13 year old cousin smokes cigarettes at least once a day. She says it makes her feel good and gets rid of her problems. Please, don't talk bad about that. Ha i just want to help her out not talk trash like she's some druggy. She's family. She was never like this. But she's recently been getting into trouble with the police and her and her mother don't get along at all. And thats where she gets them from, her mother, she steals them. Or she has some kids from her school sell cigars to her. I have no idea on what to say cause i don't want to get on her bad side, knowing she needs help. And i'm the only one she can trust right now. Any help?




  1. that's bad so young .. visit a hospital for cancer people whom smoked she will see whats hap pends to them and her if she doesn't stop smoking  

  2. i feel that smoking at the age of 13 couldbe very injurious to her health.

    i think u should find out what her problems are and think of an easy way [healthy!] to solve them.explain her what all could hapn to her if she starts smoking at a young age.

  3. Whew, trying to reach a teen, I feel for you.  You need to be the positive person in her life.  You need to listen and be careful that you don't say anything that she may feel is against her.  She does need to understand that by getting in trouble and smoking to get back at her mom, and that is why she is doing it, it is that I'll show her or them.  but in reality she is only hurting herself.  As you know she is heading down the wrong path, and someone has got to try to get her back on track b4 she moves on to other drugs or gets pregnant.  I would bet that she is not feeling good about herself so this means that she has low self esteem and self worth.  You can help this by helping her to feel better about herself, and telling her that she is special, but that the teen years are hard, but she needs to believe in herself and respect herself, that if she does this and shows that she cares, then things will get better between she and her mom.  I do hope that you can help her, because at this point she needs to be saved from herself.  Good luck to you.  Also not sure if you or her are church going or not, or if your church has a GOOD youth program, but that too may be a place to start too, a lot of times being with other kids having a good time and such at church will go along way, but it needs to be at a church that has a great youth minister.  I hope you are able to hlep

  4. First of all I feel your pain. My younger brother has been smoking since he was 14 and now he is 16. I have tried to get him to stop but I found out only late last year so he was already hooked on the stuff. I still do not approve of this but no matter what I do he doesn't want to stop. Since your cousin recently started this bad habit maybe it is not too late to get her to stop. You could try just talking to her and telling her about the negatives to smoking. Then you could try proving it to her. Tell her stories about people who have smoked and what it has done to them. To prove how dangerous smoking is you can tell her the story of the Reeves. How Dana Reeve died due to second hand smoking and she has never even smoked a day in her life (this could get your cousin to also keep away from people who are smoking). You could also try to motivate her. What is something you know she has always wanted? Tell her that if she quits smoking and starts being the way she always was you will give her something really nice. Also try spending more time with her, just the two of you. Go out to see a movie with her, go get some shakes, go out to the arcade etc. Make sure she knows that you are always there for her and maybe she will start coming to you when she wants to feel better instead of a cigarette.

    I'm sorry I can't be of more help. I really hope things work out. If only everyone could just see how bad smoking is. I don't understand why they start if they know what it does to you. Well, good luck with your cousin. Whatever you do, don't give up easily. Keep trying even if it doesn't work out immediately. Keep trying different methods until you find one that works ^_^

  5. just try and be supportive, not of her smoking but of her. be there for her and let her trust you and eventually talk to her and try to get her to stop

  6. just tell her you will always be there for about planning things with her, like going to the movies or eating out ?

    but i wouldnt worry too much i expect she will grow out of this phase in about a year, its called adolescence. make sure she knows you will be there for her though yeah?!

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