
Younger boys? please help moms and dads?

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for mothers out there how hard is it to wake a younger boy up ( 11-14)? is touching out of the question? if not what advice would you give so that they don't wake up?




  1. hard they sleep very deep kids do  some are easy er  

  2. um im 12 and it is pretty d**n hard i wake up @ 2ish  

  3. My younger brothers needed lots of coercing to get up in the morning. Since my father had to be at work at 6 am, I was responsible for getting them up while we were growing up. I came up with very creative ways to get them up. It was very difficult without help. I tried to wake them without touching them, but once I got one of them up, the others often jumped on the others bed to get them up or smacked them in the face. These aren't things I would do with my own children though. If they can't get up in the morning, then their bedtime will be earlier until they get it right. But as a last resort I can always turn on techno really loud like I did for my brothers.  

  4. loud music on and walk away lol

    set alarm clock so they get up by them self put it on the opposite side of the room so they have to get out of bed and turn it of them self thats teching them to be more responsable for when they leave school and get a job

  5. That 'tween' age is pretty touchy all around - forgive the pun.  I recommend an alarm clock so they have that sense of responsibility, and if they fail to wake up with that, or forget to set the alarm, I think a big wet smooch on the cheek would be enough to gross them out and awake, LOL.

    Also, if feasible, let them see what happens when one forgets to set an alarm (late to soccer practice or school, etc.) so they remember to set it and wake up on time.

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