i just found out that my younger brother (I am 26, he is 23 & we are the only kids) and his wife are planning on trying for a baby within the next few months. His wife said as soon as he makes $50,000 a year and she can stay home from work they will start, could be as soon as 3 mo. I am pretty bummed, because I wanted to be the first to have a baby. I feel selfish for thinking this way, but I feel that I am older & more ready (he does not have a permenant job & his wife is unemployed at the moment).He was also the first to marry and I feel like I should have a "first" at something.It is bugging me because my husband and I have been carefully planning on when to start trying, saving $, paying stuff off & we decided about a year ago that we will start this Fall. His wife is OBSESSED with having a baby & they convienantly decided to start trying for a baby this year after my husband told my bro a few months ago that we were going to try in the Fall.I don't feel that I have the right to tell him he is not ready, but can I ask him to wait a little longer, or am I just being a selfish *****? Does it really matter if my baby is second (to those who have been in my place)? When I picture them having a baby first & my parents SO happy, it REALLY makes me sad. I just don't want to be an afterthought like I have been in the past, but I do not want to rush into being a parent just to be "first". Please help!