
Youngest Age for Disney World Orlando?

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How old do you think a child should be for their first truly enjoyable trip to Disney World?




  1. 4 or 5 (depending on maturity). They will enjoy Disney world at the age of three, but not for a long amount of time. especially if it is hot....

    By four or 5, they will enjoy, and will be able to understand what being patient means. (waiting in lines....)

  2. seven

  3. Four

  4. 5 or 6. Honestly, I went to Disney World when I was in like 6th grade. I hated it. I wanted big roller coasters, and Six Flags was better in my opinion than Disney World. Disney world as a few good rides, but not many if that's what you kid likes. I did as kid enjoy Epcot Center though. I would suggest if your kids like roller coasters to wait until they are older and go to Universal Studios Islands of Adventure. It is AWESOME! Me and my husband (I'm 21 and he is 33) just went there this year and WE LOVED IT! And there's stuff for the kids like spiderman/comic strip row with all the super heros, cat in the hat park, and sinbad shows and stuff. It's really great and in the cat in the hat park they have all the rides for the smaller kids too, so they can enjoy that as well. I'd look at their website because I think you should look at both place and compare and see which you like most for your family. Also, we went to Wet N wild water park. It was awesome. ALL in Orlando close to each other. Good luck!

  5. In my personal opinion a child should be about 5 or 6 in order to get optimal joy from a trip to Disney World.  I'm factoring in my joy too though since I don't want to spend the entire time pushing around a stroller and worrying about where the next bathroom is for the never ending potty breaks.

  6. At about 4 or 5 is when a child will actually be able to have fun and remember the trip. I remember my sister taking her one year old and of course it was a waste of money, he couldnt do anything and could have been jsut as entertained at home or the zoo.

  7. My youngest daughter was 3 on her first trip and that was 2 years ago. She still remembers it. She went again when she was 4 and remembers both trips.

    She had a blast. Yeah, she got fussy every so often but we just sat down for a while and got an ice cream. Then everything was fine again.

    They get thirsty and cranky and there's nothing wrong with leaving the park to go back to the hotel and get an hour nap and then going back.

    Just be flexible and I think any age can enjoy it.

  8. I wouldn't put a specific age on it.  Each kid is completely different.  Some kids at 4 or 5 are going to be too timid to go on many of the rides while some kids at 10 or 11 will consider many of the rides at Disney too childish.

    I would make sure they are tall enough to ride anything they are brave enough to ride on.  That would be 48" tall.  I would shoot for that age when thrill rides are thrilling but so are seeing princesses and other characters.  (Which at 42 years old, is where I'm at!!!)  Obviously, that's going to be different for every child.

    That said, there is so much variety at the parks that anybody who doesn't have a good time is just a party-pooper, in my opinion!

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