
Youngest mothers disorder????

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Lina Medina gave birth when she was five and had her first menstruation at 8 months How can this Happen?????? Did Lina have a disorder?




  1. i can't answer any of your questions but people who thinks it's not real well here is a link that eveyone can see.

  2. She had to have had some sort of disorder.  On top of the fact she was obviously raped.  There are several rare disorders that cause early puberty.  I am just amazed that such a small body could carry a baby to term and it weigh 6 pounds.  

    I also believe that the reports of menstruation at 2 and a half are probably more correct than 8 months.  But that is just my opinion.

  3. I have no idea but thats freaking horrible.OMG i couldn't imagine.

    EDIT- i talked to my husband about it and he said becuase they talk about her bones hardening that she prob had some disorder where her body aged faster and hit puberty faster. I don't think she started her period at 8 months but there is another one where they do talk about she starts it at around 2-4 years. She was mostly likely raped and that's how she became pregnant. IDK all i can think of is how horrible that must have been and how her son grew up knowing that his mother was 5 years older then her once he found it.

  4. Hmm...

    she must have had SOME sort of disorder. but i dont know any names

    all i know is that she had "precocious puberty" (early puberty)

    apart from that she was a normal, five-year-old child.

    hope is helps!

  5. That"s impossible. A girl doesn't get her period usually no earlier than 10. If you say this in a tabloid, it's all a lie

  6. Most people here seem to be giving you the wrong answer so I will tell you what really happened.  I'll start off by saying Lina Medina DID NOT have a disorder.  She grew up in Lima, which was also known as, "Little Chicago" due to the amount of criminal activity that occurred.  What happened with Lina was that she went through puberty at an extremely fast pace.  By the age of 4, her b*****s had developed, pubic hair was visible, and she had already gone through menstruation.  She was then raped, and since she had already gone through puberty she of course, had a baby.  Well hope this helped!

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