
Youngest person you've seen working at fast food restaurant?

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im 15 but look like im 13 ish so i dont know if i should apply 2 places like mcdonalds. advice plz




  1. y does it matter if u LOOK younger!!! freak

  2. 14.  That's the youngest you can work at.  Unless you have a privately owned/operated buisiness.

  3. Apply honey.You should be able to get a work permit at 15. No lie, i saw this guy that was working at McDs and he looked like he was 12. Turned out he was 19 !!!! My sister and i were both shocked. So no matter how young you look as long as you are of age with your permit,you should be good.

  4. 14 years old..

  5. I've never seen a young person WORK no matter what the business.

  6. 6 years old it was a family owened restraunt

  7. There was once this Jack-in-the-Box I went to where this 13 or so looking kid was taking orders. A 16-year-old girl in the back was cooking fries.

  8. if you're 15 and theres a way to prove to McDonalds that you are then age doesnt really matter.

    Sure, why not go to McDonalds.

  9. 13 years old

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