
Your 4 yr old goes to daycare you get a phone call and say she got ahold of scissors and cut all her hair

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off like a boy seriously what would you d please i need advice




  1. WTF?? are they not watching this kid!!

    I'd be seriously questioning what happened and switch daycare centres.

    Was the child 'encouraged' to do this?  If this behaviour is very unlike this child I would be looking further details on the incident.

    This is totally unacceptable!

    What type of scissors are the kids allowed to use that she could do this damage?  I'd be pissed off huge!  I would NEVER take my kid back there.

  2. I'd take her to get a professional trim.

  3. As a teacher of pre-school children, I've seen this a few times, but a few snips, not all the hair being cut off!  It is normal 4-year old behavior to want to do this, and it is normal and age-appropriate for 4-year olds to have scissors available to them for projects;  I'm not convinced it is so appropriate for a little girl to be able to cut off most of her hair before it is noticed, however!  Before you go crazy on the teachers and administration, though, I would ask that you ask yourself if you have encountered the results of "undersupervision" before - this could be just a fluke.  For instance, does your child's teacher routinely make requests for paperwork, supplies, extra clothes, etc "at the last minute", or is s/he usually in control and seemingly prepared?  Maybe the teacher is not paying enough attention (teacher's fault), but maybe the teacher is asked to take on more than is do-able.  I would ask the teacher, in a calm, non-judgmental way, how S/HE thinks it happened, and I would definitely discuss it with management.  Your child is most likely being undersupervised for one of these reasons - Good Luck!!

  4. yeah my now 4 yr old did this last yr(when she was 3) you just gotta take her somewhere to get it fixed to the best they can do. you may hate it but she did it to herself. I cried when I seen what my daughter did to her hair needless to say I never took her back to that daycare. She shouldnt have got ahold of any scissors if she was being supervised!

  5. I agree, it is unacceptable for the child care providers to have neglected the child for that long of a time!!! If they need more help they need to hire it!

    As far as your daughter goes, please do not make her feel that she is unintelligent or anything like that. It was not a safe thing for her to do but that is very separate from how you think she looks. MANY kids, especially at that age have short hair cuts and they look so adorable.

    Also, pleas don't take out any of the frustration or other feeling you may have towards who was watching her, out on her. She's a 4 year old human being who is only curious, which is healthy, needs to be guided & she is learning.

    I'm sure you know all this already though :)  Have a good day and make the best of it :)

    PS:I have a 6 yr old so I'm learning too.

  6. OMG!!!!!! My oldest had waist length hair at 4. I would have had a COW. Right there. Way did they have hair cutting scissors in a 4 year old class. OOOOOOOHHHHH I am sooo sooo sorry. But Yeah I would be P Oed.

    They do make scissors that dont cut skin or hair for younger kids. And yah it will grow back but it takes a while.

    Lastly take out the camora man do you have black mail for teen years. LOL

  7. 1st- I yell at the teacher-because 4 year olds shouldn't be able to get a hold of scissors at a daycare center first of all.

    2nd-I bring her to a hair cutting place.

    They can make it look cute.

    My little cousin got a round brush stuck in my wet hair one time. Oh my lord! what a disaster-but they can pull a miracle out of that kind of disaster.

    And for the next few months while it grows back out-make sure you dress her in pinks and what not. lol


  8. and where were the nursery staff????? i would be MAD at them for not doing their job ! that would mean that the kids are left unattended and i would sue them!!

  9. I would seriously ask myself why I am not immediately taking her out of the day care and finding another one.  My first thought would be why was she unsupervised long enough that she could get a hold of scissors AND cut her hair off like a boy??????

  10. 1) Even up the hair and it will grow back

    2) You and your Husband/BF need to talk to his mom (i.e. the grandmother who runs the daycare) in order for her to explain the situation.

    I can understand a child getting away w/ a few snips here and there w/ child-proof scissors during arts and crafts but there's something wrong when she's able to cut off most of her hair before being caught.

  11. Wow...I used to work in a daycare and it is normal for preschoolers to use scissors to cut paper (it grooms their fine motor skills). I would say it would be understandable if she got one snip in before the teacher could stop her, but if she managed to cut her entire head of hair that means she was not being supervised and that is not acceptable! I would have a talk with the teacher and the director about what the teacher was doing that he/she did not notice a child cutting off all their hair.  

  12. i agree with zoe. :) iv seen lots of girls at hair cut places and their moms always tell me 'she cut her hair with scissors' kinda funny cuz  their all so uneven. :D

  13. Be thankful that was all she cut , and then go on to explain the situation to to relevant authority  

  14. My first question is: "Why was my daughter left unsupervised with a pair of scissors long enough to cut almost all of her hair off?" I would be very upset concerning that issue.

    Secondly, I would be upset; however, it is just hair and it will grow back. Definitely time to see the hairdresser!

    Good luck!

  15. I did that once. My mom took me to a professional and made them make it look better

  16. First i would ask the daycare provider how did my child get the scissors in the first place. Then put hats on her to match her outfits because shes too young to wear wigs.

  17. first of all I would question how in the world my child got a hold of scisssors when they are supposed to be watching her. I would talk to the boy's mother and apologize to her for your daughter's actions, and offer to pay for a haircut for the boy (from a professional this time-lol). There's really not much else you can do, this is pretty common. I did it in kindergarten, me and this girl decided to give each other haircuts. She only took a tiny itty bitty piece off my hair and I cut her whole ponytail off. LOL.

  18. There's nothing you can do but let it grow out.  And start shopping for a new day care.

  19. idk, but your avatar scares me...

    i see you've changed your avatar...

  20. I'd have a serious talk with the daycare owner, who was watching your child when she did this?

    I would then even out her hair, tell her never to cut her own hair EVER again, and buy her a headband with a bow on it.

  21. i would be like omg at first but stay calm and get is styled and do something about who was "watching" her..... hope things work out  

  22. Laugh about it.  Little kids always do that.  Hair grows back...take her to a hair stylist and see if they can make it look nicer, but really, it'll grow back.

  23. niki c 4 year olds are capable of using scissors, so the daycare should not be reported. Kids do that sometimes just take her fora preofessional trim to six it and talk to her about not cutting her hair

  24. I would say okay and hang up.  Not much I could do about it at that point.  the cutting has already been done.  I would assess the damage when I went to pick the child up and then if need be take the child to the hairdresser for "repairs".  It's not a major issue.

  25. I am really concerned that the child was able to get the scissors in the first place.  I would start looking for another daycare.  

  26. Laugh a little before you go and pick her up. It'll relieve some of the stress of "what do I do?" feeling you have. Take her to a hair cutting place. They should be able to at least straighten it up a bit. Let her know that if she thinks she needs a haircut to ask you first.

    On the bright side, at least it grows back, right?

  27. Kids do that all the time while in the care of their parents.  

    Don't be too hard on her, how many children did she have?  She can't know what they are all doing every second of every day, not even mommy can do that.  You put your kid in day care and you have to expect that they won't get adequate supervision.  The child to adult ratios are very high.  

    Here is what I would do- I would quit my job and care for my child myself- after I took her to get the hair cut correctly by a professional.


    What would you do if she did this while YOU were watching her, or her mother was watching her?  Would you want someone to call the authorities.  

    Holy c**p people- lighten up.

  28. first off i would take her out of that day care and report them, scissors should not be in her reach and obviously she had them for a while if she cut all her hair off

  29. UM..she wants to be a beauticain when she grows up?  I'd question the providers about where they were when they were cutting this kid's hair. at least he's a boy though...he could get by with a buzz cut. But still, I don't want anyone cutting my son's hair!  

  30. Even it up and let it grow back out. Kids do this all the time. Though I would be pissed that they were not supervising her. That's the real problem. I would take issue with the teacher.

  31. first of all i would question how she got hold of the scissors in the first place and why she wasn't supervised as this could have turned into a nasty accident,

    as far as the hair goes take her to a salon and ask for a pixie cut these can look well cute on a little girl especially in the summer, good luck

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