
Your 6th grade Experience?

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I am SO HAPPY! Because I am going to middle School! WOO!

But I am so nervous because of some things:

-teachers (i heard the teachers will not repeated what they just said)

-bullies (i cannot be beat up!)

-school bus (boys at my new school take off their shirts..)

-lockers (r they cool? idk if i will have them!)

and any other stuff! also making friends!

please help and tell me your experience.


sabrina b




  1. I was in intermediate (middle) school and sixth grade to me was pretty easy. Just get your supplies by class and get to class. The lockers at my school were small but in some places it's different. There could be bullies but if they were to bully you, tell your parents/teachers and then they will get in trouble. And school buses, I really just look outside the window, read a book, do something else. Oh, and the teachers were SUPER NICE to me. They will repeat and if you still needed the part, you could ask the teacher (going up to the teacher). Hope this helped!

  2. don't sweat middle school i just graduated and am now going to High School.

    the locker s r a bit to get used to. sometimes they can get stuck or u can forget ur combo.

    i had reallky cool teachers actually and the homework isn't that bad but i went to a college prep middle school so i know nothing about regular middle school. but write ur combo down on the bottom of ur shoe just in case

    middle school is actually alot of fun. u don't havfat worry about cliques untill 8th grade.

    and there were never bullies at my skool

    i remmeber my first day i was soooo nervous cuz my locker got stuck and i didn't know anyone. but orientation is a good place to meet people. i talked to the people at my locker s and homeroom and met alot of great people. and don't be judgemental because you can miss alot of opportunities

  3. Bullies-Bullies are really the people in 7th and 8th grade, so just stay out of their way and you will be fine.

    School Bus-Boys taking off their shirts is not a bad thing.

    Lockers-Lockers are awesome. You should definetly want a locker instead of a cubby. They have so much space and you can decorate it the way you want to.

    Making Friends- Join a bunch of clubs and teams, so you can make friends with the people on your team.

    Teachers-You are right. They dont repeat anything that they just said. If you even ask them to, they will get mad and might even send you out of the class. The teachers treat you like young adults, so dont act like a child around them.

    Congratulations on graduating middle school. Hope I helped. Good luck your first year.  

  4. 6th grade rocked... So much happened... I took it twice, (it's kind of a long story, but in short, I moved, and wanted to go to a new school that only had K-6 but added a grade a year, so i did that) And both years were great... The teachers were completely different in the 2 schools I went to, the first time I was in a private school, the second I was in a charter school... The teachers most definately didn't ignore me in either school... I didn't ride the bus except on the way home in the second school, once in awhile, but when i did it was fine.

    I never really needed my lockers in Jr. High... Making friends was easy, just find people you get along with... My 6th grade years rocked, have fun!

  5. the teachers will repeat what they say.

    there aren't any bullies and yes there are gonna be some mean kids but none of them are gonna try to beat you up.

    Well if boys at your school take there shirts off thats indecent epxosure and they can get arrested for it so all you have ot do is dial 3 numbers

    the Lockers are cool if you get a big one. small lockers will get on your nerves and you will figure out it builds muscle to carry around a whole bunch of books.

    you'll make friends as you go along. people will start talking to you and you can choose for yourself if you like them or not.


    -bullies: yeah i was bullied, luckily my younger sister helped me out with most

    -school bus: i slept through that

    -lockers: i had none. i had cubbies and git my stuff stolen!

  7. Don't worry. Everything will be okay. Theres no reason to be nervous.

    Teachers- Everyone says that, but its not true. If you ask a teacher to repeat what they said they will. Especially if you're taking notes.

    Bullies- You won't get beat up. Just don't start rumors or talk about people behind their back. If you're worried about the older students, don't worry about them. The worst that will happen, is on the first day when you walk into the cafeteria, they will just be like, OMG look how tiny they are! Don't listen.

    School Bus- I highly doubt that the boys will be taking off they're shirts on the school bus with the driver on there. Thats probably just a rumor. But if you're still worried, just sit in the front.

    Lockers- they are very handy.

    Just be yourself and you will make a ton of friends. It might be a tiny bit hard on the first few days, but you will make friends. Just remember not to talk about people behind their backs, start rumors, gossip, and always try to get your homework in on time. If you need help, don't be afraid to ask. Your first day will be very easy. Don't worry.  

  8. haha i barley remember 6th grade but here goes:

    teachers: they're annoying, just do your work and try to get on their good side.

    bullies: I never got bullied, but knew people who did, but it's no big deal. It's mostly guys.

    school bus: if you're worried about the guys, sit up front? haha I'd sit in the middle of that but whatever.

    lockers: are very overrated. I miss not having a locker =( haha

    Overall, i remember having fun in 6th grade, but don't take it too seriously. Just be yourself and have fun!

    p.s. I'm going into high school and I can barely remember 6th grade, so it can't be that important! =D

  9. Well, my sixth grade (and entire middle school experience) was awesome.

    Teachers: they repeat if you pay attention, ask politely, listen to their answers, and if you aren't the seventh person to ask the same question :)

    bullies: well, I was never bullied (but I can fit inside my locker even after graduating high school). I do remember a fight between two boys sitting at my table when the teacher left the class, but another boy broke it up and that was in 8th grade. I'm not sure how it'll be at your school. Just don't do anything stupid, okay?

    bus: I rode the bus all of middle school, and I always had friends to sit by. When my friends moved, I just sat alone or talked with some other people.Don't be shy about talking to new people on your bus, you'll be seeing them every day.  Although we did have problems once in a while. Remember, be smart and stick with your friends.

    lockers: 6th and 7th grades had the same kind, but 8th graders had nicer, newer, wider ones in their own hallway. The first few times it might be hard to open but you'll get used to it.

    friends: don't be afraid to talk to new people. They'll be nice most of the time.

    Just have fun!

  10. Teachers aren't really AS tough as tv portrays them to be, so don't be worried. They'll always be there to help you, it's their job. Just don't make a big deal about the boys taking of their shirts, because its honestly not a big deal. Think of it as you seeing your older brother at the pool, guys will take their shirts off a lot. Lockers... they're not a big deal. You'll just put your stuff in it and take What you need to every class. You will not get beat up. In most states Bullying isn't only frowned upon in school (and punishable) it's actually ILLEGAL. So don't worry about it. If you want to make new friends, just be yourself. Don't try to be someone else because you think the "cool" girls will like you better, they'll find out later. Trust me, middle school isn't as hard as everyone makes it out to be. I had so much fun in middle school with my friends, having little weekend parties and going out every day after school, you'll make plenty of friends, and you'll learn a lot.

    Good Luck


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