
Your Behavior?

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How do sociological factors affect a person’s behavior. What sociological factors do you believe affect your behavior the most?




  1. The people that you are around the, music you listen too, the trials and tribulations that you have faced all affect how and who you are, and who you will become.....Everyday someone meets someone else or faces something different and that can change who they are and how they act......Also money is a big factor in someones acts....I just love life and live it...each day is it love it and be asreful who you choose as your friends... = )

  2. behavior is determined by ones attitudes and values.

    Values-- ideas developed by your environment (parents and close family and friends)

    Attitudes- the way your values lead you to think

    values+attitudes= behavior---the way you act...behavior can also be seen as your culture (not in a racial term, but in a sociatial term)

  3. As an example:

    A woman I know, married 30yrs to what I would call an inconsiderate uninvolved husband.....her behavior, in my opinion could be described as "arrested development" This woman has not "grown" in years. She is 50. Her chosen social path leads her no where except to work and to do the bidding her her husband. Thats all fine and dandy I suppose,  except everyone should find a personal passion of thier own..... develop personal interests.....its what helps us to grow inside. This womans behavior is a direct result of being inside a bubble she has chosen to stay in.

  4. no factors affect my behaviour, for it to the character of the person must be weak and floored.
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