
Your Best Grooming Tips????

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Ive got my first County Show On Sataday...I have a 14hh black fell..he has a lovely long mane and tail and a reasonable amount of entering inhand m&m...Please give me your tips to turn him out to his best ability...




  1. Wash his tail like a while earlier (today, tomoz), plait it, leave it like 4 days, then brush it, it'll look fuller. When washing his tail before the event, only apply conditioner to the outside of the tail, it'll make it more fuller instead of flat. Use Black Glo shampoo and conditioner on him (it enhances black colour). Baby oil makes the muzzle look and feel softer, it also makes the mane and tail more shiny (but don't soak it, only use a bit, maybe spray only a little on otherwise it'll flatten it). If he has any white markings use a bit of talcum powder or chalk to make them really white.

  2. Use Show Sheen

  3. If your horse comes under the native horse catergory then it would be best to just brush him really well. Don't pull his mane or cut his tail just brush it and don't plait it. if he's not native then plait him and make him look nice by putting some gel or hairspray in it.

    Good Luck!!!

  4. At home:

    The day before the show, use a good curry and dandy brush to get as much dirt as posible off of him. Then wash him well, use a clean dandy brush to help lift more dirt off of his body. Deep condition his mane and tail by letting conditioner set on it for about 20 minutes before you wash it out.

    Trim up any wiskers on his muzzle and under his chin. Do not trim his eye lashes. You can trim off the extra wiskers they sometimes get above the eye lid. Also trim up any extra inner ear hair, use some gauze to keep it from falling into his ears though.

    Use a clean damp wash cloth or baby wipes to get any goo and dirt out of his nostrils. Then let him dry.

    Once he is dry. Clean up any stragling hairs out of his mane and tail by pulling them out. Just don't over do it. Clip his bridle path. Lay one of his ears back against his neck. Only clip the length of his ear at the most. Brush all of the loose hair off of him.

    If his mane needs to be braided for the show, you can go ahead and do it now. Just be sure to put a stretch hood on him so they don't get messed up. But, it would be best to braid the morning of the show.

    Put a light summer sheet on him. Then keep him in a stall on clean shavings.

    Clean his tack. Make sure that it looks its best.

    At the show:

    You might want to practice these at the show tips at home this week, so you know how to get the best look from him. And so that you know how much of what to use and exactly where to use it at.

    Paint his hoves with a clear or black hoof polish to give them extra shine.

    Take his sheet off and give him a good brushing. Shake out his sheet and put it back on him until you are getting him ready for his class.

    Use Cowboy Magic detangler on his mane and tail to keep them soft, shiney and tangle free. Only if you do not need to braid him up.

    Go ahead and braid his mane up. Use some quick braid or gel and hairspray to keep it in place.

    Before in hand classes:

    Use baby wipes to get all of the dirt off of his muzzle, nostrils, lips and eyes. Also use them to clean up any shavings dust or dirt he got in his ears.

    On his feathers I would use a comb to get any knots out. And then just very lightly spray with Show Sheen or Pepi.

    If he has any white spots that you would like to cover up, you can use a little bit of mascara. Just don't use it on yourself after you use it on him.

    Spray the rest of his body with Show Sheen or Pepi also. Personally I like pepi better. It gives a better shine. Just be carefull if you do use Pepi. It is very easy to over do it.  

    To give him more definition, use a little extra spray on his shoulders, the center of his chest, on the deepest part of his flanks, and on the muscle line of his hindquaters.

    You can spray a little of your Pepi or Show Sheen onto your hand and then wipe it on to his face and ears.

    Give him a light coat of fly spray and you are good to go.

    Before riding or driving classes:

    If you had an in hand class before a riding or driving class, use a baby wipe or wet wash cloth to get as much of the coat spray off of him were the saddle for the harness or your saddle sits. You don't want it to slide.

    If your in hand classes are last. After you get him tacked up, use the coat spray to add shine to him, around the tack.

    Good luck! And have fun.

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