
Your Call of Duty 4 gun?

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I am sick of seeing M4 Carbines and M16s.

i used to use the m16 a lot, but its boring and almost unfair sometimes.

i also refuse to use m4 carbine. good job, you can shoot in one spot with a machine gun without ANY recoil at all. just hold down the button . pretty good. congrats.

i usually go with the RPD or AK47. AK47 silenced on some maps. (and m40a3 sniper on others)

anyone else here use those? or any other guns i didnt mention? i dont really see a variety of guns anymore these days on live.




  1. I use AK74u, AK47, G3, M14, and the M40A3 on certain maps.  These are probably around the least common guns in the game (except the sniper) and I pwn people with all of them.  I also use the rpd for helicopters sometimes, but in general I think lmgs are kinda noobish (no offense)

  2. I personally play a lot of S&D with my clan, so my opinion may be a little different than most players that just stick to deathmatches...but I usually stick to either the AK-47 or the G-36c as far as the assault rifles are concerned..or the AK-74u as far as my subs are concerned (though I usually tend to go with the AK-74u mixed with extreme conditioning to avoid those pesky nade spammers. Goooodddd will they ever learn how lame that is?) But lately, I've been on a sniping kick (probably partly do to my wanting the Golden Dragunov) and can pretty much snipe with any of the sniper rifles on any map...but my favorite would have to be either the r700 for the larger maps and the M40A3 for the shorter ones. Nothing's better than sniping on one seems to expect it...or expect the pistol whipping with my M9 I'll give them when it's time to get up close and personal.

  3. you should use a G36C ACOG Scope or Red Dot

    its good on any map

    or Mp5 Silenced for medium sized maps

  4. well i personally love the dragunov i can pop domes all day as for close quarters i like to use the m4 and m16 i have red tiger on each and almost a golden ak so i am not a noob on longer maps that are difficult to snipe on like countdown and sometimes district i like the m14 hope this helps you

    my user name C0LENCANCER

    xbox live  

  5. Man tell me about it. All you see anymore are the lame M16's. The one shot wonder as i call it. Simply hit them once and its over... freakin noobs. The m4 is a bit better, its not as accurate as ppl like to think. I often out kill an M4 with my Mp5 becuase i know how to play the game, not jsut spam an area. That there should give you an idea of what  i like to use. an Mp5 is IMO the best gun in the game. Almost no kick back and good dmg with a great fire rate. Its a gun that can be used on any map and if used properly destroys any other gun the game. The prblm is ppl done. they act like its an assualt riffle and try to beat an M16 with it from 500 yrds... wow can you say idiot? use it right and ul learn to love this gun.

    My fav assault riffle i the G36c. Its accruracy is great and dmg is a h**l of a lot more then the carbine. So realisticly, for the bit of accuracy you shred to use the G36c, the dmg you gain makes it so much better then the carbine. I dont like the AK 74U becuase of its slow fire rate and inaccuracy as extream close ranges. Its like every bullet misses, its more of a medium range weapon with the red dot. It does have power though il grant you that, 2 hits os down they go. Thats almost unfair to.

    But the RPD. Oh my.... what can i say about this peice of junk. Im sorry but if you think M16's and M4's are noob, rethink the RPD. With twice the power almost, it generally takes two shots to down a guy and the clip size is what? 100 shots? yea talk about spaming. Opps i missed the first 2.. lets just fire 10 more 2 of them are bound to hit him. That is so common its unreal. Along with its retarted ablity to go through every friggin wall in the game it makes it the ultimate noob spaming LMG. Ive killed ppl before on HQ, they spawn with an RPD and just SPRAY the entire wall until they find you and kill you. So noob.

    The AK47 is a sweet assult riffle. Great GREAT dmg, and its kick back is manageable if you arent noob spraying everywhere. You can definatly use this gun well and get good with it.

    As you said the M40A3 is the best Snipe in the game. The absoulte worst is the Dragonauv second being the M21. Both blow so badly they need to be thrown away. The 50cal is uused so much cause of its name not its stats. Its a semi auto, so its not accurate as you want it to be. The R700 is a good riffle, but the M4 beats it by a long shot.

    Lastly i will comment on the absurd ammount of P90's that i consitantly see. This gun is SOOOOOOOOOO NOOOOOBB. All ppl do is spray with it and get kills becuase of its clip size. They just prefire and with steady aim they done even ahve to aim, just shoot. Its complete B.S that this stupid gun can outdo a G36C or even an M16. It really fits in with the " i suck so bad at COD 4 that i use this gun".

    There you have it, my variety consists of- G36C, MP5 and usally the M40A3. I also use the G3 and the M14 sometimes. THose two guns are beasts.

  6. I always use my M40A3, except on Vacant where I can't snipe - I use a G3 there.

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