
Your Favorit spot on horses!:?

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I pefer rodeo! i mostly do barrle racing, pole bending, and goat tieing! I luv these sports they are sooooooo fun!!!




  1. I totally agree with you. I compete at National Level 4-H and AQHA shows in Canada and some in USA. I also compete at the Rodeos too for over a decade.

    I love Barrel Racing as it is my biggest accomplishment. I have won quite a few shows and it is great to know that I am pretty good but not the best yet as I still have to learn more!!

    I really like pole bending but it is physically challenging for you and your horse when you are starting out. You get to feel your horse's movements better and it is fun changing the leads between the poles.

    I think that goat tieing is awesome! I would like to start that sometime soon!!

    I want to be a part of PBR tour too

  2. Horse racing.

  3. My favorite sport on horses is jumping. I absolutely love jumping. It is a rush to leave the ground on the top of a magnificent animal!

    I also like 3 day eventing because it really showcases the horses abilities. A horse has to be graceful and controlled for dressage, fast and accurate for cross country, and skilled for show jumping.

  4. I show halter horses - kind of like a horsey beauty contest to those who don't know.  Horses are judged on how well they meet up to the breed standard, and you really have to put a lot into showing halter to get anywhere.

    I used to ride, but blew out both my knees on show jumpers, so don't ride much anymore.  I loved the jumping though :-)

  5. hunter jumpers.  if i could do eventing, i think that would be amazing...  but my horse isn't much of a dressage horse (that's actually the reason she's mine...  her original owner wanted her for dressage, but she wasn't good enough at it to show) or jumper.  I've been trying to get her to do small jumps, but she doesn't quite understand, so we only do 6 inches...  I hope I can get her up to a foot by the end of the summer where we can consistently canter and jump one foot calmly.  for now, we're pretty decent at hunter flatting.  (last summer we were both just learning, so we should be a little better at jumping this summer since I've had practice and know what i'm supposed to make the horse do...  kinda unsafe last summer when i set up jumps while neither my horse or I knew what exactly we were supposed to do with them ;o) )  between hunter flatting and western eq/western pleasure, i'd take the hunter any day...  I know the horses and riders are talented in both, but it looks more natural to see the horse stretching out its stride and moving forward at the gaits.  It's so wierd that we trot faster than the western people canter.  I like to watch jumping the most...  it's so cool to see someone take that much control over that huge animal to navigate around the course...  and it's such teamwork for the horse and rider to work together to approach the jumps, and glide over them so gracefully.  so there you have it...  i'm very much a hunter jumper girl.

  6. I was going to say that gorgeous velvety spot under the muzzle!!!!  Now you say it's a typo it's got to be 3 day eventing - being from the UK and all that - it's the one thing Britain are actually one of the best in the world at and that's saying something!!!!  Although you Americans have got some great riders yourself especially at the moment Kim Severson and Winsome Andante - felt really sorry for her at her first Badminton - she was SOOOO close to getting the title and knocked 2 poles down in the showjumping - looked like she was crying as she came out of the ring poor thing.  That must be the pits. Last time you won i think it was David O'Connor quite a few years ago.

    We don't have rodeos and all that fun stuff you mention!  We're british - all serious LOL

  7. I am with you on the rodeo aspect.   Been barrel racing for over 20 years.  Good luck out there this summer.

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