I got my first period at 10, my mum was shocked, albeit a little upset that her daughter had started so early, and had to learn the ropes of femenine hygiene so young. Yet my friend's (who was 13 at the time she got her period) was happy that her daughter started her period and was like "finally!" My other friend, who is due to turn 14 tomorrow, still hasnt got her period yet, and she's always the one that when wer'e in conversations, moping about PMS or cramps, she always feels left out (even her younger step sister, who is 3 years younger than her, has started) I've never understood how she can feel jealous of others who have their periods, its not nessicarily a picnic bleeding everymonth, having either to stick a tampon in your v****a or wear a pad that makes you itchy. Guess I'll never understand...
How old were you when you got your first period and how did your family react to it? Good/Bad reaction? Sad/Joyous reaction?
thanks :)