
Your First Period :)?

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I got my first period at 10, my mum was shocked, albeit a little upset that her daughter had started so early, and had to learn the ropes of femenine hygiene so young. Yet my friend's (who was 13 at the time she got her period) was happy that her daughter started her period and was like "finally!" My other friend, who is due to turn 14 tomorrow, still hasnt got her period yet, and she's always the one that when wer'e in conversations, moping about PMS or cramps, she always feels left out (even her younger step sister, who is 3 years younger than her, has started) I've never understood how she can feel jealous of others who have their periods, its not nessicarily a picnic bleeding everymonth, having either to stick a tampon in your v****a or wear a pad that makes you itchy. Guess I'll never understand...

How old were you when you got your first period and how did your family react to it? Good/Bad reaction? Sad/Joyous reaction?

thanks :)




  1. I was 11 yrs old. My Mother let me take the day off from school, which was unheard of for her... and then she took me out for lunch and a little shopping. She made it a very nice women-bonding day.

  2. a month before i turned 13. they dinnit really do anything kinda surprised i guess

  3. 11. I hid it

  4. 12, family happy. i was kinda freaked out, it wasn't great being the first girl in school to have one...anyway, people vary wildly, i know people who didn't get theirs until they were 17, or as young as 9.

  5. I was 10 too i my mum didn't know and still doesn't know

    But my reaction was like

    wtf did i cut my self?

    and then I was like

    cool I am a woman  

    and then was like

    {looks down} dam...

  6. Well, your period is a sign of womanhood. You can only fathom that at such a young age you have the ability to have a baby. That's the way I thought of it when I was young. When you get your period, you are basically a woman. When I got my period, I was only 10 as well. The reaction was just normal. My mother was very happy for me. I already knew about s*x and womanhood so she was already prepared for it when I had it. It was really an experience I will never forget.

  7. I was 8, mother was hysterically crying, had to go to the doctor as she thought I was dieing of a horrible disease, I was in shock, mortified, and felt completely abandoned by my friends when they found out.  

  8. well, i can bet you wood feel left out if u wer the only friend that didnt have her period and all of your friends wer talking about it

    but anyway, when i got mineee, i was like ohhh s**+ t, cos i realised how much it sucked. but then i was kinda glad, cos a lot of my friends wer always like "i rekon i will get my period next" and always thort i wood b one of the last 2 get mine

    so i no its bad, but it was fun baggning them about it

  9. i was 11, this stuff is normal so my family didn't rlly react ..because its a girl thing, that we all go through..our hormones are different, so it doesn't matter what age we get it.

  10. I was 12.

    it was a summer,at my dads house(the rents are seperated)

    and had no tampons or pads anywhere in the house.

    i was embarassed to tell my dad so i remember rolling toilet paper up(i thought it would be like a pad).

    i was sooo not excited.


    i mean really..ohh fun.

    i get to bleed every month for the rest of my life.

    I didnt tell my dad but i told my mom when i got home.

    she was really reactionless.


    she just took me to the store and that was the end of it.

    i HATED it idk why someone would be be happy!!!

  11. Awww...well I'm 17 now but i started my period when i was 13...i already had pads just in case and i was too embarrassed to tell my mum...which was lame really ... i was in the store with her the next day and i picked up a pack of pads and said something like 'OH looks like ill be needing these' mum reacted really well...she was happy which i found quite strange!

    But tell your friend exactly what you wrote...she really isn't missing out on ANYTHING! her time will come when she gets to complain about cramps and ''having either to stick a tampon in your v****a or wear a pad that makes you itchy''

    good luck!

  12. yahh  haha before i started my period i wanted it i dunno why though.  I started it a few weeks ago!and i told my mom and she was like really!and i said yahh and she said oh ur officially a women u know and i said yahh but then my mom told everyone i started and talks bout it infront of people like i was with my bro and sis and she was like are u finished ur period and i wanted to kick her haha.Hope i helped.xoxo

  13. i am 'developed' and should have started my period by now

    all my friends thought i'd started, and so did all my family, apart from my mum

    i am 14, 5'6 and a normal, healthy weight (maybe a few pounds over) but i haven't started

    i'm jealous of my friends, because nearly all of them have started

    people tell me it is h**l, but i feel left out and everyone treats me like a child!

    i'm really upset i haven't started yet, and when i tell people i haven't started they are surprised!  i guess that it is good to have it later, but i am annoyed and fee left out!

    personally, i think you are really lucky! i wish i would have started!

    good luck


  14. I havnt had mine yet.  

    My cousin was whatching a basketball game when she had hers.

    I know another girl who had hers during a championship volleyball game.

  15. i was glad because i didnt have to worry about it coming, like in school.

    and i got it when i was 11.

  16. I was 12 I think lol and my family didnt realy react. I was the last out my friends. So I kinda know what your friend feels like but shesnot missing out on much XD But she will be fine.  

  17. i got mine at age 10 like you. not too pleasant.

    i was excited at first..but then i was like, 'ahh..fu*k...i cant take it anymore!"


    my mom was proud but later forgot about it, and my dad was kinda upset. ^_^

  18. i think i was 12???? my mum was happy she was like my little girl is now a woman. but every1s different

  19. I was 15, so i knew all about it, and stuff. I was wanting it, because all my friends had it, and i felt left out. it stinks being in that position... but my mom wasn't surprised, she was just like 'oh'... i dont know what reaction that means. ha. my twin sister was kind of jealous... ha... :)  

  20. Well I was 13 and the reason why she feels left out is because she has nothing to talk about with you guys. Also she don't know how bad it is so she wants it so she can feel like a woman. Its kinda like all of your friends have this cool cell phone and you don't have one and they just keep talking about it. You would feel left out wouldn't you?  

  21. I havent started. im 13. Im the little left out person like your friend haha x

  22. I can see how shes jealous. Getting your period is often referred to as "a girl turning into a women." She's not thinking about the agony and annoyance of having a period but what it signifies.

    So anyway. I was 13. I hid it from my mom all day and then cried all night about it after I finally told her. Then I sucked it up and just dealt with it. I guess my mom was sad and happy. Happy because I got it, but sad that I was growing up.  

  23. I was 10. My mom must have been happy. I overheard her telling her everyone on the phone. To this day, she doesn't know that I heard her. I, of course, was upset.  
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