
Your Most Embarrassing Moment(s)?

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I really need some stories from you guys to make me feel like I'm not alone, because today something horribly embarrassing to me happened!!

I only feel comfortable telling my mum personal girl things, not my brothers or dad. So they don't know I'm on my period. In fact, I never tell my mum I'm on it. She just buys me sanitary towels when she goes shopping.

Anyway, I went to the toilet and realised I had started again, so I replaced my panty liner with a new one. Since I was sitting on the toilet, I didn't want to walk over to the bin, which is in front of the toilet but too far away to reach over to, so I put my used panty liner on the side of the bath.

When I had finished, I washed my hands, and came onto here and youtube to watch videos.

My second eldest brother, who is 20, is complaining to my mum about his job and other stuff which I couldn't hear since my door was shut. After a while, they stopped talking and I heard the bathroom door shut, but then open again and my brother saying, 'Mum, you need to come see this.'

All I can hear is my Mum shout, 'INDIA!!'

She came into my room and asked quietly but quite angrily, 'Did you leave a sanitary towel on the side of the bath?'

I froze and felt my face go red!! Now my brother knows I started .... grrr thank god he's moving out in September!




  1. Lol,the most embarrassing thing that has happened to me was when I was 11, I was quite an early developer and already had b***s. Well that summer we went away to Christchurch in Dorset and my mum pulled up in the services on the M3 as we all needed the toilet, I left the car first and whilst walking through the car park, I noticed a man staring at me in a weird way, I looked down and realised in horror that my left boob had popped out of the side of my dress and I was walking with it out for all to see. I ran back to the car in hysterics lol. I have worn a bra since then

  2. lol, thats quite funny.. I've done so many things though, worse than that.. don't worry..

  3. It was lunch time at school & me & my friends were walking home from the chip shop and i was wearing a skirt that always used to ride up but i wouldn't really notice, anyways there were these two guys walking behind us and they were laughing a lot, and i was getting kinda paranoid but ignored them...a few mins later i told my friends to stop so they could walk ahead so i wouldn't feel so paranoid, but then one of my friends started laughing and she was like "your skirt" and it had come up at the back COMPLETELY so my ENTIRE a*se was on display to the whole world, i was wearing thin tights so you could see my huge granny pants through them. I wanted to die.

  4. I was having s*x with my then BF in the back of his car at his work car park when a police car came quietly.  Two policemen knocked on the window asking for us to get out the car with our hands behind our back.  They then told us they were looking for some criminals who were driving a similar car.  We were both naked.  The shame.

  5. drunk in moments

  6. stood up in history class to put something into the bin. And as i got up i did a huge f**t and the whole class heard.

    i was waiting for the ground to swallow me up.

  7. that's funny .. why did she shout "INDIA" btw? :)

    haha.. btw, he will tease you but wont tell this to anybody .. i'm sure..

    ** p/s i don't know how to tell my most embarrassing moment since my english is pretty bad .. hope you understand.. :)

  8. One of mine happened when I was 12. My mom (bless her oblivious naive heart) didn't teach me anything about "becoming a woman". Anyway, while in art class one day at school, I was leaning back in my chair, rocking back and forth, and my art partner (a BOY!) leaned over and said to me, "I think you need to go home..." When I asked why, he pointed to my private area. I was wearing white jeans that day and all I saw down there was blood! I screamed at the top of my lungs, then started to cry hysterically! The teacher came over and shrieked, "dear Lord girl! Whatever is the matter with you?" I showed her what had happened. She suddenly got this strange look on her face, then said quietly, "come with me". She took me over to the backroom of the class and said, "wait here". I was so morbidly humiliated and just wanted to die! When she returned, she told me she had contacted my mother and said, "go home, dear, she will know what to do". All the way home, I cried. I was so ashamed because I was walking out in the open with cars passing me and everyone could see how I looked. It was one of the most embarrassing moments of my life (and hard to forget).

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