
Your NHL Team? Highlights? Cool Moments? Best Saves? read on?

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So first list your favorite tea and then answer these questions

1. What was your team's most memorable game ever? (Besides the game winning the Stanley Cup)

2. The most important goal of your team's franchise history, or most meaningful?

3. The coolest looking goal of your team's franchise history?

4. The biggest/hardest save in your team's franchise history?

5. Hardest check by your favorite team?

6. A turning point game which (in your opinion) helped the franchise to become bigger and better.

Bonus~ Best pass in your team's history?

Bonus II~ In your favorite team's longest game of their franchise history, did they win?




  1. 1. Winter Classic. It was an awesome expirence having my team be part of it, BUT for them to win was just amazing. Also, November 10th 2005........Mario Lemieux's last goal in his NHL career.....

    2. This year......(It proved that even when the going got tough we could still win AND the games not over until the final buzzer)

    All time.....

    Lemieux last goal..

    Lemieux first goal on first shift in first game...

    3. I still have a love for this goal of Jaromir Jagr's

    4. This is known as "the save" here in Pittsburgh

    5. I'll have to think about this one....

    6. I'm going to have to use one for this year....if I did ALLTIME I'd be sitting here thinking for a long time...

    ^^^Who honestly expected that goal to happen, man. Thinking about it stills haunts me......I remember it perfectly.....I was sitting there....the time was winding down....I had my head in my hands not even looking at the screen and then my dad's friend hugs me and yells "Maaaaaaaax!" I think the whole team learned something that night.

  2. You should've also put down, "Original Six fans excluded." I'm trying to go through the entire Leafs history for "best goal" and "best game" and there are just way too many. Plus, my brain has officially switched over to golf. Shot a 103 today. Yes, I suck. lol

    Actually, Teal........that was a GOOD day. LOL I can't putt for the life of me...

  3. 1. hmm i dont know there's a lot to choose from

    2.  The one by joe juneau that sent the caps to their first and so far only stanley cup apearance.

    3. ovechkin's 32nd goal vs the yotes

    4. i have no idea waay too many to chose 1

    5. ovechkin's check that broke that glass in denver

    6. a turning point game was the one last nvember i think the 23rd, bruce's first game.  Major turning point in the caps recent history.

    B1 eminger no look behind the back pass as he was getting checked right on semin's blade who deked and scored the gwg in the last minute of OT vs atlant 2 seasons ago.

    B2 it was 7 ots i believe and they lost.

  4. 1. What was your team's most memorable game ever? (Besides the game winning the Stanley Cup)

    Probably Koivu coming back after battling cancer. that was pretty d**n memorable.

    2. The most important goal of your team's franchise history, or most meaningful?

    In the history? I don't know because my team is 100 years old. But for me, the most important goal was Sergei Kostitsyn's first goal in the playoffs on his first shift, about 8 seconds into the first period against Boston.

    3. The coolest looking goal of your team's franchise history?

    Once again, of the history I don't know, but for me, the coolest looking goal was Andrei Kostitsyn's Ovechkin-like goal... I don't remember who it was against but I remember it was fantastic.

    4. The biggest/hardest save in your team's franchise history?

    I wouldn't know the biggest or hardest save, but some saves that Patrick Roy made back in the days were amazing.

    5. Hardest check by your favorite team?

    Andrei Kostitsyn on Zdeno Chara.

    6. A turning point game which (in your opinion) helped the franchise to become bigger and better.

    Well... I wouldn't say it was just one game, but the 23 cups that we've got probably help the franchise become what it is today.

    But for a game, I think what helped the franchise get bigger, at least what helped the supporters get so behind the team this year was that one game against the Rangers where it was 5-0 5 minutes into the 2nd period, and the Canadiens came back and won in shoot out. :)

  5. favorite team: san jose sharks

    1) game 6 of the wcsf (even tho the sharks lost ) =(

    2) idk there's been alot

    3) probably when nabby scored a goal WOO WOO..i didn't even know goalies could do that haha. considering that was around the time i started watching hockey lol.

    4) there was a bunch of them from game 6 of the wcsf.

    5) too tired to think right now.

    6) when i started watching hockey they were a decent team so i probably wouldn't know.

    Bonus: there's been alot of those too.

    Bonus 2: nopeee stupid dallas stars

  6. Devils....don't remember too much into the old history but here it goes.....

    1. Most memorable non-clinching game ever....its tough...I loved the come from behind win against Toronto in our first home game like 2-3 years ago.  Down 6-3 in the third and Gionta scores a natural hat trick to tie it and madden wins it in the shootout.  Also there is game 7 against philly in 2000 where we were down 3 games to won and clinched the eastern conference on our way to our second stanely cup.  

    2.  Well the best goal I think was Marty Brodeur's against the Canadiens in the first round of the playoffs on April 17, 1997.  The most meaningful was definitely Jason Arnott's clinching goal off a beautiful pass from Elias (see more later) in double overtime against Dallas.  This was huge because if we lost that game we probably would not have won game 7 and we wouldnt have won the cup.

    3.  Coolest looking goal is actually very very very very easy to choose.  Just last season in a game where the Devils were blown out by Pittsburgh in the second period (when it was still close) someone chipped the puck about waist high and Gionta took a swing at it about 5 feet off the post and chipped it in mid air perfectly over MAF's shoulder and into the corner.  Definitely youtube this goal it was amazing.  Also honorable mention was the same year against Philly (where we blew them out) and Gionta (AGAIN) was tied up with the puck rolling wide and about 3 feet off the post and 4 feet off the line he took a one handed swing at it and chipped it over I think Biron and right into the net.  Biron was standing straight up and he got it over and in.  The puck had like 6 seconds hang that one too...

    4.  God you know there are way too many.  I have to say in a meaningless blowout game recently against the Flyers, Marty made a diving save off Brier where he gloved the puck in mid air off the goal line and pulled it back.  What was amazing was that Marty knew if he fully extended his arm it would have crossed the line so he kept it scrunched in and pulled it out.  Amazing save on what should have been an empty net goal.  Marty is known for being clutch (3 shutouts in 2003 finals) so I cant pick just one...

    5.  I'll name three and we all know them probably.  1995 Cup finals.....Stevens LEVELS Vyacheslav Kozlov (and Neidermyer lol).....Stevens in 2003 cup finals levels Kariya (Kariya came back and scored GOOD FOR HIM, seriously really was amazing to see and even Stevens was happy for him...CLASS)...and of course Stevens obliterates and argueably ENDS Eric Lindros's career.  It was all over at that moment and everyone knew it....what an amazingly clean and powerful hit....absolutely amazing to one can argue he was the best at what he did

    6.  turning point in one game? hmm.....actually I think it was loosing to the Rangers in 1994 because I think even though we wouild have probably won the cup it spurred us to be a better team......and 3 cups later I'd say we did become a better team

    Bonus I....Stevens holds it in at the point, chips it to the corner, Elias chases it down, sends it in front.....SCORES! JASON ARNOTT SCORES, THE DEVILS WIN THE CUP, THE DEVILS WIN THE CUP.  A no look no room pass to the Jason Arnott by Patrik Elias to win the cup in 2000.  Honorable mention is Grant Marshall's pass that went through the legs of Wade Redden in 2003 right to Jeff Friesen who scored the game winning goal against Ottawa in game 7 to send us to play Anaheim and win our third cup....

    Bonus II.  See best pass and best goal in the franchise above...double overtime and Arnott won it.....i actually think the one two nights before went into triple overtime where they lost, but I dont remember

  7. Favorite team: SAN JOSE SHARKS

    1.Game six in WCSF last year against Dallas.

    2.any goal that has won a playoff sereis for them,the one i think of is Jumbo Joe's in game 7 against Calgary in last years playoffs.

    3.Brian Campbell's spin-o-rama against the Canadiens Mike Komisarek to a back handed shot that scored five-hole on Carey Price

    4.Nabbi's save against Brenden Morrow in Game 6 against Dallas in last seasons WCQF

    5.anyone of Mclaren's bone crushing hits.

    6.Game 7 in 1994 WCQF when the sharks beat the wings to go on.

    BQ1.I think we all remember "The Pass" from Joe to Marleau against Dallas.

    BQ2.Their last game last season.Probably their only game they'll ever lose that I'll remeber

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