
Your Opinion Needed ! What is the underlining reason kids play Video games 24/7 rather than go outside ?

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Your Opinion Needed ! What is the underlining reason kids play Video games 24/7 rather than go outside ?




  1. The world is getting technologised and it is just human nature to be all tech-savvy and keep up with what is "in". It is a bit like fashion if you think of it. The virtual world always seems a lot more real than the real world. It is also a question of peer pressure as well. If one kid goes "Yo, I have the latest Play Station." the next ten odd kids want one as well.

    But hey! Video games are not all that bad. Kids who play video games improve their hand and eye co-ordination a lot more over a shorter space of time than those who don't play these games. It even increases their brain capacity to 'indulge in new environments' as a player enters a new level every time, he has to learn the tactics and incorporate it into the game.

    But having said that, video games and out door games should have a balance!

  2. They are lazy, air conditioning, more suburbs and less places to explore and be a kid, no friends in their neighborhood, new technology that's more entertaining, too hot outside, parents are at work, busy streets, freaks like rapists or molesters. Is that enough?

  3. Their parents let them.  Some parents buy them so their kids can stay inside.  In some neighborhoods it's not safe to be outside.  Its cheaper to buy a video game set than move.

  4. Because too many of today's kids have systems in their rooms and that their lazy, unskilled and @#$!!! parents would rather let some video games babysit their own flesh and blood instead of getting involved with their kids lives.

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