
Your Opinion or Race?

by Guest58088  |  earlier

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People are proud about a lot of things, mostly their race or having an opinion. Say these are the only things you had to covet, but you had to give one up. Which would you keep?

Don't try to get analytical, like "how would you be able to get rid of your own race? That's irrational blah blah blah..." Just think about it.




  1. Neither is of that much importance to me, and since they are not, I would say my opinions because my race can not stop me from following God but my opinions might! So I would give up my opinions.

  2. well i'm peruvian, my mom is half chilean, half chinesse, my dad is half italian, so race??? i don't have one hahaha, i think my opinion is the most important

  3. I've never *fully* understood the concept of 'pride' but I confidently state that only people who prefer to remain ignorant of the world would enjoy pride in something as trivial as ethnicity.

  4. My    genetics   in  regards   to  my  skin  color  is  nothing   so   away  with  that.However   my  genetics   in regards   to  my    opinion   is  everything   so  to  keep  that  is  foremost  and  Paramount.   THANK  YOU  FOR  YOUR  WISDOM   AND  LOGIC  IN  YOUR  QUESTION  db

  5. Uh, it doesn't at all seem to me that people are MOSTLY proud of "having an opinion" or of their race.

    Most people are proud of what they've accomplished, their children, and all sorts of things higher in their lists than race or having opinions.

    I thought your question was a typo, and you meant "Opinion ON Race" but I see you DID mean 'or' -- however, I can't resist giving it anyway: Race is a completely bogus concept. There's just the one: Human. There's no way to divide humanity into a coherent, relevant, exclusive and exhaustive set of races.

    The whole thing about pride in one's race is odd, and problematic.

    I've never been proud of being White, I just am. Accident of birth, says nothing about me. But that's easy for me to say, given that I'm in the majority race in my country.

    Thus, I've not had a huge problem with those who used to be made to feel ASHAMED of their race going through a pride thing. A sort of antidote. The idea had been that it was impossible for any person of, say, African decent to do anything worthwhile. Publicizing the accomplishments of persons of African descent, then, combats this idea. This is good. Telling small children "You'll never be able to do ANYTHING" is bad; telling them "See, not true! People 'like you' have done loads of good stuff." good.

    When we've gotten to the other side of the lunacy and hate, I suspect it will seem as silly to most as it now does to me to be proud of accomplishments of people simply because their ancestors where born on the same continent as mine.

    About opinions, and the having thereof: The saying goes, "Opinions are like, uh, the o*****e through which we defecate (so to speak); everybody has one." (Had to clean that up to avoid being nailed by the filters on this site.)

    That a person has an opinion is no cause for pride.

    However, unlike race, which really has nothing to do with me, isn't something I did, it's not unreasonable to take pride in the quality of one's opinions.

    This I do. My opinions are sane, just, grounded in reality and fact, and of a compassionate and tolerant bent.

    Opinions are something I could change (race, as you realize isn't).

    But, if I had to give up one of the two, I care nothing at all about my race. I don't identify myself by it at all. I'm human, a woman, a northern Californian, and a whole lot of other things before I'm White.

    So I'd give up race, and lose no pride by it.

    My opinions are hard-won, and actually the result of what I've done (thinking), so, nope; not willing to trade them.

    Tweak them, change them in light of new ideas and evidence, yes. But just give them up to keep my pale skin?


    To paraphrase a White guy I found particularly repulsive "They'll have to pry my opinions out of my cold, dead brain."

  6. i'd keep my opinions becuz race does not matter so much to us its, what da person is dat matters its, da whole personality dat matters!!! if I wud give up opinions than wat wud I do wid only my race??? opinions matter more !!!however, I am a person proud of my race...just like u need opinions on dis question likewise, in dis world, itz obvious dat opinions matter more !!!

  7. I have a beautiful complexion that changes w/ the season. So just as opinions change I do also . I'm black and love it . Realllllly!!!!!! So that answers your question,black all the way baby.

  8. Race.

  9. my race!

  10. I'd give up my race. My race doesn't make me who i am but my opinions do!

  11. Only racists are proud of their race. I would give up race.

    If you want truth, speak to a ten year old. Ask him or her about their race and how proud they are of it. They won't know what the ***** you're talking about.

    I saw a recording of a Paul McKenna show once. At one point a little boy asked Carol Vorderman if that man (a black guy and the only one in the audience) was a Christian! (the black guy was embarrassed but that's not the issue here and the boy is innocent). The point is: the child was asking a cultural question. He obviously had decent parents who were bringing him up properly, doubtless he knew his bible stories, not one of which instruct him to hate black people. To be proud of being white or black or brown is the equivalent of my being proud of being six foot four, nonsense. Incidentally, how tall are you shorty?

    Next, proud about having an opinion. What the ***** does that mean? Francis Fuckuyama believes that history has come to an end and we are the last men. Personally I disagree with him but I'm not proud of my opinion and I'm certainly not ashamed of it, I merely disagree with the man.

    I am proud of a few of my achirvements. Taking on something which is difficult and suceeding. These are the moments in life when we are proud. We have authentically done something big. We have passed our basic training in the Army and we are passed out, we are now a real soldier, it's been difficult and more than half have failed. This is something about which we can feel proud. Spending three years at university and getting our degree or finishing our apprenticeship likewise are reasons for feeling proud.

    Being proud of being white or BNP or Labour is ridiculous. White is merely something that you've been given for free, it's like being proud of the fact that your parents are rich, that's their achievement not yours, if you're lucky you may inherit something but essentially it has nothing to do with you.

    The Chinese may well be the first to have men stand on Mars. Will you be ashamed that day that they are not white? doubtlesss you'll do your best to rubbish the enterprise.

    Sorry if this answer has been too long for you.

  12. I think the world would be better if everyone 'gave up' their race.  Once we move beyond the separator of 'race,' we can all set aside another difference.  

    Everyone should have an opinion.  Not enough people exercise their right to their opinion.  That's one thing that no one should give up.
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