
Your Opinon on my Pictures

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Im auditioning for the broadway West Side Story,im 17, i've had 2 years in jazz and 5 years in ballet along with 3 years in voice lessons, im auditioning for the part of Action and they need a photo along with my resume, I have three I really like but i'm having a hard time deciding, tell me which one you like the best.




  1. well, dependse on how u want to look. the1st one looks the oldst then 3rd then 2nd =D

  2. The first one would show action!!!

    Your welcome.

  3. Definitely the first one. You look older and more put together in it.

  4. I agree sweetie with the second comment sweetie, being a former actress myself and experience casting, the directors are going to see alot of people come through that day and when their referencing back to headshots yours my not be the most professional-looking despite all of your really impressive experience.  My advice is to post a ad somewhere like craiglist and request an student photographer for some headshots, prices will be cheaper and they will look much better from the ones you have.  Remember its all about image in your line of work.

  5. Dude, get a decent head shot pic. Those look like your little sister took them.

    Think about it...all the experience you say you have, and you want to turn in a c**p pic? Get a decent head shot done.

  6. with those pics is not going to cut it. you need real headshots of yourself if you want to be taken seriously. if i have to pick between what you have, i would say the's a half descent pic but the character is one that does things without thinking so he's a bit more thuggish so i'm leaning toward the second one. that thing on your chin in the first one scares me a little :). seriously tho, get some good 've got the training, back it up with professionalism. break a leg!

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