
Your Phone Number:9659648800 won$9500 in the Yahoo! 2006 Anniversary Gift Splash. Winners contact mailprize4@y

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Your Phone Number:9659648800 won$9500 in the Yahoo! 2006 Anniversary Gift Splash. Winners contact mailprize4@y




  1. i am also from kuwait , and i recieved the same sms

  2. I am in Kuwait and recieved the same message this morning...wheres my money!

  3. I am also from Kuwait and i too received an sms stating that i have won $9500 in the Yahoo Anniversary Gift Splash. I was asked to contact I would like to know if this is real or a hoax.

  4. im also from kuwait and i received sms by same meaning what can i do ?

  5. even i rcvd a msg called Your Phone Number:9659650982 won$9500 in the Yahoo! 2006 Anniversary Gift Splash. Winners contact - i replied them and no response from thier side.

  6. We also got this message today in the morning, but to contact mailprize10 think it's a fake

  7. Thanks

  8. Iam also recieved like This Sms. if you know any Thing Please Contact me

  9. hi dude i also received an sms like this im also from kuwait did u get any informations from them after this sms?

  10. that is a scam report it to yahoo

  11. Thats just rubbish !!

  12. I think it is scam .. my husband also recieved it .. I didn't find any official website from yahoo annoucing this gift .. I don't think yahoo would give out money without proper annoucements .. also the e-mail we recieved is so fake .. it is from regular yahoo email.. btw my husband from kuwait .. and I think it is some kind of joke here ..

  13. Received the same message earlier today. I'm in Kuwait.

  14. i am also from kuwait , and i recieved the same sms about winning yahoo anniversary gift splash two days ago ?  is it a joke ??

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