
Your Real Quija Board Stories.?

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I'm about to buy a Quija board, and I wanted to hear some REAL LIFE Quija Board stories.

So answer away.

And please make your answers true. Stories that actually happened to you.

Thanks bye!




  1. I used a ouija board a few times years ago, and nothing happened.  And nothing happened when other people I know used a ouija board.  A ouija board is just a game, a piece of wood or plastic or cardboard.  It has no supernatural powers.  What is working when you use a ouija board is your imagination.  It plays on your beliefs and susceptibilities and superstitions and fears.  The people using it make it work.  Here are a couple of links that discuss ouija boards.

  2. Me and some friends really wanted to try it because our friend (MADdie) said she knew how to do it.

    We did it and it told my friend the date of her Uncle's death, but also told me that I would end up killing my baby sister. It also said that I made my sister deppressed and that me and my friend would die in a car crash.

    After this, for a while I was too scared to go near my sister and even if she cried over dropping her dummy, I would not go near her because I was scared of killing her.

    I now realised that Maddie was playing a sick joke on us, as dates which had been predicted to be times of death never came true.

    At the beginning, her and her friend said: sorry if we laugh- it's because we're nervouse (suuuure)

    She rung me that evening saying she felt bad (obviuosly because she was lying).

    I don't believe in Ouija boards now and never will. Anything to do with spirits is not good and should never be trusted.

    Please don't mess around with this stuff. It affected me for a long time and my friend said she's still affected by it aswell.

  3. It doesn't work.

  4. If I were you I wouldn't do that,you'll regret it..My great aunt bought a Ouija bored & it made her go crazy,it was some exorcism stuff! she was in a mental hospital,they had to strap her to a bed..she died about 2years ago..My mom told me all about when she went to see her because she was getting sick & wouldn't live long,My mom saw her exactly a week before she died & the last thing my great aunt told her was where is her african baby?? lol it sounds funny but thats cause it is! shes not even black...

  5. I've only done it twice and I don't think I ever would again.  Too many unanswered questions.

    Sadly I don't have a decent horror story to tell you, but my friend was terrified.  I was moving the glass about and putting on scarey voices.  She ran away !!  We were about 13 at the time.  The other time I was round about the same age and my mum found out and hit the roof.  She was so genuinely angry and visibly upset that I'd used one that it put me off ever trying it again.

  6. i lived in a house years ago that i was convinced was haunted.  there was a back bedroom that always had a chill (even in the summer heat of southern california)

    a friend of mine suggested the oija board to talk to the ghost.  we made contact.  the ghost told us he had been murdered in that room while he was engaged in s*x with his best friend's wife.

    funny piece of it:  we asked him if he liked the people that lived in the house now.  the needle zipped right over to 'no' at breakneck speed!  a little unsettling, i tell you.  but the ghost was really harmless.

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