
Your Storys About Ghosts!!?

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Has anybody ever seen or experienced a ghost ????




  1. It wasn't all that amazing... but I was home alone caring for my cat... and we have a big screen TV and I saw a black figure walk through out kitchen. At first I looked behind me, nothing was there and I figured it HAD to be something on TV.

    Well, I told my mom that night, and she MADE me tell my step dad, who then told me he's seen things walking around the house. He's been laying on the couch at night and seen a black figure walk from my brother's room to him and my mom's room.


  2. Everytime I cleaned my bedroom closet of our doublewide, something would knock so hard that the closet wall would shake.  It only did it when I was alone, so after awhile, I made sure someone was always home when I cleaned it.  

    And at this same place, something would toss my daughter's stuffed animals at her.  They never hurt her and after awhile, it didn't even scare her..

  3. Many times out on the fields at Gettysburg and in my home.

  4. My home has had strange things happen but where not for sure. We have a remote control ceiling fan and a few nights ago my wife was on the couch and the fan remote was on the recliner . She had the tv head phones on because the kids was a sleep. The ceiling fan light cut on and the recliner looked like the imprint of some one sitting there. We where sleeping 3 days before this and was awoken by a strange very loud sound of someone in our attic. It sound like someone moving boxes and walking. There has been many more weird things happen. I don't no what has gone on but this happens all the time. The good thing we never have a scared feeling. These things happen and we continue living with what ever is here.

  5. i have had many! anything from seeing people that are dead to unexplainabel noises to lights turning themselves on and off to doors slamming open and shut to tv channels changing when remote is on the table and the volume is going up and down.

    the scariest paranormal experience i had though was one time me and my parents were riding horses. well it was late and we were on our way home. it wa but 9:00 so it was dark. we were riding down this one rd and we were all quiet. well i got the creeps and looked around and i saw hundreds of white faces w/ black eyes and mouths and very unoticable noses! they were on each side of the road in the woods as far as the eye could see. there was kids and adults. they just stood there and watched us. i wa quiet w/ shock and fear at that moment when i was watching this goin on. i noticed that my horse was breathing hard and was acting spooky but was walike extremely slow, which she's a natural fast walker. i kicked her up and caught up w/ my parents. we got to this gates and my dad was asking these people to open it for us to get through. i wasn't going to say anything bout what i saw cuz i knew that no one would belive me but then my mom pipedup and said that was really creepy. i have never been so scared. i asked her what and she described to me exaclty what i had seen. so she had seen the ghosts too.

    it was very scary!

    another wierd thing that had happened to me is that my cousin who live right next door to me(he was like my brother) had gotten hit by a car at the age 14 and died. well a couple days after he died, me, my parents, my sister, her b/f, and a couple of my neighbors were outside just talking. well i wondered off cuz i was 12 and bored w/ the adult conversation. it was dark outside, i don't remember what time it was, but i went to our shedand i thought i had saw someone around the back of the shed so i went to go check it out, well when i went to the back i saw a silhouetted figure and then i seen its face and it was my cousine who had died. i gasped and said his nam and he smiled and dissapeared. that night when i went to sleep i had a dream about him. he told me he was ok and in a better place and to stop crying over him and that it was him that i had seen that night. then he told me that he will always be watching over me to make sure nothing will happen to me and that everytime i cry just think of when we had hung out and the good times and to cheer up!

    that wasn't scary at all, it was very reassuring!

  6. No, but i kinda do and dont believe in them (not the kid ghosts)

  7. I not but my cousin yes, when was child. He said saw a womem sttopped stand up in your house many times and when he look to side and turn back she was not there.

    Have more two histories too. Unhappyly was not with me too.

    In the municipal parlament of São Paulo, at elevator, some years ago, one people (or ghost) disappeared during the descendent (voyage to down of elevator) with 5or 6 peoples together. I dont know if the ghost was touched...

    And have the ghost of elevator's machine room of Copan's building, the bigger building of city ( in number of aprtments~6000 peoples live there) of São Paulo.

    The major of building said on TV, had seen 3 times in differents situations, a man sitted on motor of elevator ~6:00hs. He(ghost) got up the hand and shake it, how to say...Hello! And the major did the same!

    After he knows by other peoples, was one of constructors of building, that had died some years ago.

  8. My old apt was near an old battlefield park. Things would move by themselves. Our cats would hiss @ air & one time my roommate was alone with the cats & she said her doorknob to her room was turning by itself! I think there was something up with my room/bathroom. I moved out 2 months early because I was home alone most of the time but after I left my old roommate would close my closet door,bedroom door & bathroom door. Everyday she came home to find them open! One time I went to visit her after I moved out & I had to use the bathroom. I went to use my old bathroom & the mirror was fogged up like someone took a shower?! I always felt something sit on my bed at night. I hated living there!

  9. 3 years ago I saw a ghost of a 7 yr. old girl. I was between being awake and being asleep. I open my eyes for only a second. The little ghostly girl ran from my daughters room to the kitchen.  The girl died from her dad. She was asleep in bed and her dad came into the room, covered her face with a pillow and shot her. She's been haunting the appartment ever since.

  10. I wanted to for a long time.  I still want to.  However, despite searching high and low I have never come close to seeing one.

    Because some people have seen many and so many people have seen none, it makes me think there is no such thing as a haunted place, only haunted people.

  11. I had a dream about a friend of mine I lost touch w/ & in the dream his face was messed up. So when I woke up I looked his name up online & came across his obit & a newstory that he died in a car crash. Can't get much more paranormal then that.

  12. yes, this may sound unbelievable but it is true, and i have it on camera, a ghost was typing messages to me on my computer, it has happened twice in the past six months

  13. Last night, I went to my friend's birthday party, and I brought my Ouija board. We decided to go to her town's old cemetery and play it. It was like around midnight and me(Desiré), my friend Autumn, her sister Cassie, a girl named Nikki, a girl named Rebeccah,and a girl named Alli all waled to the cemetery. they were all really freaked out by the idea and there was this old church in the cemetery, and there was loud thumping coming form the door. Everyone except for me and Autumn whined about us getting caught going inside the church or it being a crazy idea. we wanted to see what the thumping were so we went inside. It was dark so we lit the candles inside the church. We took a picture in the dark church and saw a few orbs there. The thumps were really loud near this door so we went near it. Autumn's sister Cassie came in and said some people saw us so we blew out the candles and left. We then went to another cemetery where me, Autumn, and Cassie played with a Ouija board by this one headstone. We've never played with one before but it moved and we all freaked out. Just when it was spelling out something, we heard footsteps by us so we screamed and left the graveyard. True story, happened last night.

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