
Your Top Beauty Buys?

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what are your favorite beauty products??

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i want to EXACT product (please) including color.

brands are not products.

i want the PRODUCT.




  1. Makeup- Loreal True Blend powder cover up

    Sally Hansen Maximum Moisture Lip Treatment

    Covergirl Pro-Fessional Mascara Black

    Covergirl Eye and Brow Makers

    Nails- Sally Hansen Polish in clear!

    Hair- Garnier Sleek and Shine System Frizz Serum, Pantiene Shampoo  Pro-V Ice Shine and conditioner!

    Face- Plain Dove soap

    Body- Johnsons Baby Lotion and Bodycology Lotion inPomegranate!


  2. makeup: clean & clear liquid coverup

    hot topic black eyeliner

    NYC legthing mascara: black


    hair: aussie & herbal esantiese hairspary

    body: nollie from pacsun sweet pea from bath & body works & cocobnut & banana body wash by avon

  3. Makeup:  Bare Minerals concealer, foundation in med. beige, and blush in lovely.  Dior show mascara

    Nails:  OPI Mod about YOu, and Lincoln Park after Dark

    Hair:  Sebastion orignal hairspray,  Head and Shoulders shampoo and cond.

    Face:  Nuetrogena Healthy Skin, anti-blemish, anti-wrinkle,  and Nivea Natural Tone face and body moisturizer.

  4. makeup, urban decay eyeshadow, this purpleish color.

    hair, garnier fructics, sleek and shine shampoo and conditioner. then matrix biolage smoothing serum, and matrix biolage leave in treatment. sometimes i use chi silk infusion

    body, i use neutrogena rain bath and proactive 3 step sysem

    nails, ulta peach mango

    body citrus lotion

    yeah, i use these everyday

    it is a lot!

  5. makeup:

    maybelliene dream matte mousse

    mary-kay mascara (all of them are good)


    i dont have a favorite. i just normally go for anything bright colored


    i like herbal essences for shampoo and conditioner

    sunsilk is good if you want waves or curls.. they have that really good cream stuff

    and john freida is good for frizz


    clean and clear does wonders for me!


    bath and body works lotions.. makes my skin soft and i smell good :)

  6. Johnson's Baby lotion

    John freida Straight Ahead Shampoo, and conditioner.

    MAC.-  Technikal.  Eyeliner pencil In black

    MAC.- Lip glass. All colors are great.

    Venus vibrance razor.  

    Victoria's Secret- body by Victrola foot creme

    Olay Complete daily moisturizer. for normal slain.

    Olay moisture balancing face wash.

    Chap stick Medicated (WOW Essential)

    C.O. Below.  Mentha lip buffer

    Neutrogena mineral sheers shadow in Stone

    N.Y.C  Lip gloss in Cherrywood.

    Maybelline Extreme XXL mascara. In blackest black

    I could go on for ever but you want some more recommendations go to


    She is an awsome makeup artist from the show What Not To Wear.

    you can sign up for her newsletter. she will send you a list of all of her favorite beauty products for that month,  along with beauty tips.

    She also has an awsone book out called the 5 minute face. She lists tons of looks for all ages. occasions and what products to buy to get that exact look  Including face hygene products

    This is my favorite book. and one of my favorite subjects.

  7. Makeup...

    I have a face wash by Aveeno. Its called skin brightening daily scrub. I then use Ponds facial lotion after i shower. It comes in a small tub with a blue lid.

    For my make up...i have a fair my foundation i use bare essentials loose powder in the color fair (its the lightest) and i put their loose powder mineral veil on helps to give a flawless finish.

    I really like to get my eye shadows from bare essentials as well. If im going for a light look with pink or natural tones... use a light pink base all over my lid...its called "whisper"...then i will use a darker shade of mauve called "heart" in the crease. I sometimes accent that combination with a color called "nude beach". Its got a high shimmer to i use it spearingly...i usually jus dust it over my entire lid after i have put the base and crease color. For my mascara i use maybelline great lash with a curved the color "very black". It comes in an all pink tube.

    Blush wise....i also use bare essentials. Its called "Rose radiance". Its a light pink loose powder with a little shimmer to it.

    For lips...I use a chapstick base...the brand is vanilla flavor. After tht I use victoria secret beauty rush lip gloss in the color "sublime". Its like a bright pink.

    My hair is a dirty blonde and very straight. I use Herbal Essences Body Envy volumizing shampoo and conditioner. It makes my hair smell good and feel super soft. I dont use any product really...i blow dry it upside down. Sometimes i will spray it with the Herbal Essences volumizing hair spray while its wet.

    For body wash...I really like anything from bath and body works. i usually get the coconut lime body wash and use a loofa.

    Yay! Enjoy! Hope you like my body care kit. LOL

  8. Makeup -

    Covergirl Trublend Foundation - Classic Beige

    Brown pencil eye liner

    Covergirl Lashblast Mascara

    Nails -

    Base coat from anywhere

    Sally Hansen nail polish - orange, blue, green

    [bright random colors make you stand outt(:]

    Hair -

    Staightener - I have no idea what mine is lol

    Tresseme shine/anti frizz spray

    Face -

    Clean and Clear mouisterizer [sp??]

    Body -

    Olay touch of sun lotion
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