
Your Yahoo! Groups account has been disabled because you had an auto-responder set up. How do I get this fixed

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Your Yahoo! Groups account has been disabled because you had an auto-responder set up.

I have aYahoo group where I forward some of my own emails to it.

How do I get this fixed?






  1. mail help forms

    How do I create a vacation response?

    Well, this depends on how jealous you want people to be of your vacation. If you want to remind them that you’re waterskiing and they’re not, you should include this information. If not, then create a more low-key message. It’s your call.

    Click Options in the upper-right corner of your Mail page, then under “Management”, click Vacation Response.


    Set the duration of the message by entering your vacation's Start Date and End Date.

    Under “Generic Response”, write a note of up to ten lines that will auto-reply to anyone who writes to your Yahoo! Mail address while you’re gone. It doesn’t have to be generic, though—here’s where to mention the waterskiing, or the rustic fireside dinners... if you want.

    Option: You can also write a special note to reply to anyone from a specific domain. For example, if you anticipate a message from anyone who has an account with IBM, you can send a more personal Vacation Response to messages from "" Write your message in the “Special Response” section, and then go to the bottom of the page to specify the domain(s) that you want the special response to go to.

    When you’re all finished, click Turn Auto-Response On and your Vacation Response will be activated.

    If you want to stop the Vacation Response message at any time before the End Date, simply go back to the Vacation Response page and click Turn Auto-Response Off.

    Note: People emailing you will receive only one response, no matter how many times they write to you.

  2. Use the Yahoo Groups Help form to get Yahoo staff to reset the auto-responder.

    On #7 of the form, select Other.  In #8, refer to the notice you received regarding your groups account being disabled due to auto-responder.   When finished, click "Send".  Yahoo will reset your account for you.

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