
Your a surrogate mother... but now you want your kid back?

by  |  earlier

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Yesterday i let a soap get to me... Hollyoaks which airs in the UK.

i just want to kn ow what you guys think because me and m y sister were arguing about it! God how lame! but this story was really realistic and it could happen...

there was a storyline which is still going on where a women decided she would like to be a surrogate mother because her sister couldn't have any children of her own... later on after birth the surrogate mother was injured badly and could not have any children of her own, so when she wanted her child back was it right?

she would have been the better mother also so for the child's welfare it would be great.

what would you do if you were the surrogate mother?




  1. I see this all the time; the surrogate mother comes back and tries to get the baby back and I think it is totally unfair. If she is injured and cannot have more kids then she can adopt. A contract is a contract and once a woman commits to being a surrogate she commits to turning her baby over to the people who are paying her to do so. If I was ever going to consider doing such a thing, I would make the surrogate sign an ironclad contract to commit to completing her obligation or I would find someone else who would commit.

  2. I wouldn't do anything.  The situation would be unfortunate but if I had agreed to surrogacy, had the baby and had already signed all the papers, I would have to accept that as the way it was.  You're right, the situation is possible but the outcome on your soap will probably be very different from the outcome in real life.  There are plenty of laws in place to prevent this kind of stuff from happening and most surrogate mothers would be out of luck if they decided they wanted the child back.  Who would be the better mother doesn't really come into play unless there is some type of abuse involved.

  3. I wouldn't be a surrogate in the first place. I couldnt carry a child around for nine(ten) months-then's not mine...i dont want it...

    I'd be too in love from hearing the heartbeat-and feeling the kicks and hiccups...and then at birth-seeing the little face..nope couldnt do it..

    I'd keep the baby.

  4. It is not right for the child when you take it away from the woman who is raising it. The adoptive mother is all the baby has.  That is who the baby knows as mom... how tragic!  

    Don't allow your feelings to do something unhealthy for the baby. Also, the adoptive mother has bonded and grown close. she has spent money for the whole process... it is sooooo rude to change your mind.

  5. Depending on the situation, the surrogate mother may not be the biological mother, she may have just carried the baby therefore it really would not be hers

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