
Your about 30lbs overweight and told by the waitress of major eatery you don't need the hashbrowns. Now what?

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Some friends and I went to Mc Donalds over the weekend, and ordered the pancake breakfast. My pancakes were cold so i returned to drive thru and asked for it to be remade. The server said it's four minutes past the breakfast time but agreed to do it. Upon walking away I told her I wanted the hashbrowns too. She turned and said "You Don't Need The Hashbrowns!", as the window closed. My firends and I were shocked. I asked her did she indeed say I deon't need the hashbrowns. She simply said "I was joking", but offered no appology.




  1. Well, she WAS joking. Not that it wasn't rude, nonetheless. I wouldn't have said it either, but just look at it as if you were just joking around.

  2. Forget it.  She was probably ticked off because she was asked to do a favor for you and it was something she did not have to do. So, just give a girl a break.  She said she was joking.  I am a peaceable person, so I say, forget it and take your business elsewhere.

  3. 1. Resources and Recognition

    Managers treat employees as they would want to be treated.

    Employees are respected and valued.

    Employees are recognized formally for good work performance, extra effort, teamwork, and customer service.

    2. Values and Leadership Behaviors

    All of us act in the best interest of the company.

    We communicate openly, listening for understanding and valuing diverse opinions.

    We accept personal accountability.

    We coach and learn.

    3. Competitive Pay and Benefits

    Pay is at or above local market.

    Employees value their pay and benefits.

    4. Learning, Development, and Personal Growth

    Employees receive work experience that teaches skills and values that last a lifetime.

    Employees are provided the tools they need to develop personally and professionally.

    5. Resources to Get the Job Done

    Employees have the resources they need to serve the customer.

    Restaurants are adequately staffed to allow for a good customer experience as well as to provide schedule flexibility, work-life balance, and time for training.

    this is directly from the Mcdonalds website. I found it very interesting. And below is the Corporate div. website as well. I would at least let them know that their are some training deficiencies.

  4. LOL. Just report it to the manager. And how could she even see through the drive-thru window how much you weighed? Thirty pounds overweight is not so awful. I would have wanted the frickin' hashbrowns.

  5. oh gosh. be the better person & move on. t

    here is no excuse for her remark, but remember, she works at mcdonalds. minimum wage jobs are AWFUL.

  6. thats really rude.

    Firstly i think you should go to the same shop and ask to complain about a worker.

    after teh complaint you should order the same thing from the same woman (or another if she aint there) and ask for the hashbrowns to be cooked till goldeny.

    And to your question now what?

    i dont mean to be offencive in anyway but i think you should excercise alot to avoid problems like this in the future.

    Hope i helped.

  7. I wait to get the hot pancakes and then throw them at her.

  8. Even though it was totally uncalled for, and rude (and saying "I was joking" does not help her), I'd let it go. It's something that is not worth making a fuss about because you'll probably never see the person again (whenever i go to the same mcdonald's, i always see different people).

    Just keep your chin up and rise above it. :)

  9. i'd ask for the manager and make a scene.  hopefully that person would get fired.

  10. I've wanted to say that many times in different situtations...sorry but I see a humourous skit in that incident...

    Now you should next time have a quick line to fire right back at her like: Oh I'm sorry I'm not used to receiveing diet control information from a Ho...My Bad...

  11. it was already past breakfeast time you just pushed it so just let it go

  12. Hasbrowns do not come with the Hotcakes/Pancakes at McDonald's.  Maybe that's what she ment.

    Hotcakes only and Hotcakes w/ Sausage do not get a hasbrown.  You have to order it seperately.

  13. Oh yeah her @ss would be reported and fired.

  14. Contact the corp. headquarters.

    I think you should also talk to the owner of the particular location where this occurred.

  15. I think that you shouldn't take it to heart.  People are ignorant sometimes when it comes to treating other people.  I suggest that you call the location and speak with the manager...make sure you tell them what time and date the incident happened so they know exactly who to deal with.  You will probably be offered a free breakfast or something like that.  

    It seems that extra weight was already a topic in your own mind before this happened.  Maybe this comment wasn't even directed at your weight?  Could it have been a misunderstanding?  If you are uncomfortable with your own weight and you think others are viewing you in a certain way, perhaps you should try to devise a plan to feel better about yourself.  Try slowly eating healthier or walking a little bit each day to gradually change your lifestyle.  Who cares what other people think.  Make yourself happy first.

  16. I would of took my flip flop off and slapped her across the face with it. then like someone else said, I would throw the hot pancakes at her.

  17. thats mean, i would of talked to the manager


  18. Wow.... at least you can take solace in the fact that she works at McDonalds.

  19. She was rude she was in no postion to tell you that even if she were joking. She did not have the right to tell you that and also did not have the right to decide what you're supposed to eat or not. You should file a complaint.

  20. ,If you say 30lbs over weight, you are probably 50lbs over.  Should she have said it, NO.  What do you want...More food that is bad for you?  Once you complain, you should get more fat filled badness,Tubby.  Get over it.

  21. u tell the manager.. or punch her next time u see her.. jk. l0l. tht is really rude though.. sry . :DD

  22. After you ask for her name, you find the manager and fill him/her in on what happened.   There'll be one unemployed window person from MickyD's.

  23. Fighting her rude comment is not worth the stress.  Take your business elsewhere.

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