
Your beliefs about the role of early childhood education?

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Your beliefs about the role of early childhood education?




  1. well considering my background you will probably already know my answer. early childhood education is VERY important. children learn from the minute they are born. they learn to hold their heads up, crawl, swallow their food, eat, then speak, walk.....they are all building blocks to the essential skills that we as adults use every day. without early childhood education children would not have the skills they need to reach adulthood. often times when children are not taught certain skills, they end up lacking later on in life because they did not have the bast building block to be able to build onto that.

    every child deserves an education, no matter how early!


  2. Early, how early?  That is the most difficult thing to determine.  Some are ready earlier than ohters, but to answer the questions it is my belief that this needs to be the parents responsibility to make sure that the basic of education are in place in the child's life.  The basic as in the ability to read, write and to understand what they have read.  the childhood education really begins at birth, the child brain in basically empty with just a few survival instincts like sucking, breathing, grasping.  And as parents we are responbile of filling that vast void with  useful, and reliable inforamtion for them to grow.  so, you start by the first thing which is communication.  They communication abiliies are limited, but as they begin to grow and the start adding words to their vocabulary, don't make them baby words, like wawa for water, it's water, learn how to pronounce it now, not when they are 2 yres old and still saing wawa for water is is not cute!  

    Now that I've said all that, the thing it, it has to be part of their education process and it, they rely on the parents, grandparents, friends, relatives, the community to supply it.

  3. Early childhood education (0-6 years of age) is extremly important. These initial years design the child's brain for his life. You can know more about the link between early childhood eductaion and brain development in this post:



  4. well if you dont teach a kid what 2+2 is, how's he going to answer that when he's 30 and working as an accountant

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