
Your best senior prank ideas? Suggest anything!?

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Try to keep the saftey thing in mind (pregnat teachers falling down the stairs is not funny) and if i do get in trouble... something I could get out of.




  1. steal a prized object then over the next year send pictures of it beside things like the eiffel tower and places you and your friends visit on holidays  

  2. Get up really early and get to school really early so you can block off the teacher's parking spots so they can't park there.

  3. One of the high schools in my region did this senior prank that got news coverage and everything. Pretty intense. Had to do with a lot -- A LOT -- of chickens.

  4. Take the prinicpal's door off it's hinges and hide it on the roof.  Maybe some other doors, too.

  5. I wouldn't suggest this but, some kids in my senior class wrote M.O.B in spray paint on the side of the school and in every bathroom. The letters were like 8 feet tall. Needless to say, there were some destruction of property fees issued!  Get 3 pigs and number them 1,2,and 4. Let them lose in the school so when people try to catch them they will look for all 4 pigs, but ther really is only 3. Or buy some of the smelliest fish and hide them in the bathrooms so it stinks up the place.

  6. taking great grandpa to school with you.  he could also drive you home when classes were out for the day

  7. When I was a freshman some unknown Seniors put clear wrap over each of the toilets and then put the seat can imagine what happened! They also took brown paper towels, got them wet and threw them up on the bathroom 10ft ceilings where they stayed.  Harmless but pretty funny!!  

  8. Put signs around town that say "We scoop p**p" with ur teacher/principal's # on it. =)

    Happy pranking! haha

  9. You can copy a p**n pic of  a nude body from a p**n mag and put one of the teachers who gave you a hard time at schools head on the body..and hang them up around the school before classes get it??? Ahahha I think its funny!!

  10. Remember Lethal Weapon?

    Go into the bathroom and write on the toilet paper "BOOM you're dead!"


  12. Huh...I still like hiding their dentures!

  13. put a potato in the tailpipe of the busses. they will stall out and it will take them a while to figure out what it is.

  14. put one goldfish in one of the toliets

  15. While people are studying, you could dress up in some crazy costume (that hides your face) and go yelling "WACCA WACCA WACCA" down the hallway.  

    You could also grab a marble and go into one of the bathroom stalls while it's busy and drop the marble... scream "OH c**p, MY GLASS EYE!!!" and then cover your eye and run out.

    Mix pudding with a little bit of flour to make the pudding thicker.  Smear on bathroom wall or toilet seat.

  16. fork the school yard. buy ALOT of plastic forks and cover the yard with all the points facing up... your gonna need help to do it tho

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