
Your best way to wake up in morning!

by Guest64375  |  earlier

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whats the best way to feel more awake, i go through half the day at work like a zombie and nothing I do seems to help me seem more alert or awake! fair enough i could just down a gallon of coffee, but it only lasts a good 20 minutes!

how do you get yourself to wake up in the early mornings!




  1. Have apples. They're better than coffee to wake you up. My routine is a coffee when I get up, an apple while I prepare breakfast and a good fatty breakfast. The fat is needed by the brain to be more alert, it's basicly made of the stuff!

    I get up at 4am and need to be to work for 6am for a 12 hr shift at a 911 call center, I NEED to be awake! One more think for a good solid night of sleep, s*x. It may seem weird, but when a guy "releases" out goes built up stress and in comes a good night's sleep!  

  2. First thing when you get up, splash your eyes with cool water and gently pat dry.

    Another thing to do near to when you wake up is to drink a large glass of warm water with a dash of lemon juice.

    Be sure to eat something vibrant and healthy for breakfast. The person above said exactly what I was going to. Eat apples! Or any fruit. The energy lasts longer and is more beneficial than that of caffeine.

    You could also try another natural energy source such as Barley Green, Spelt, etc.

  3. What i do is i get up really quickly jump in the shower turn it on full ball and freezing cold. then after 10 mins of coldness i hop in a bath of noodles!!!!

    try it its really relaxing. the cold water from the shower freezes your braina nd stops the tired signals from being transmitted and the smooth texture from the pasta/noodle bath relaxes your mind, and tricks it into thinking your awake!!!!

    nah just joking.... I just get up do a few star jumps and have a healthy breakfast and i'm away!

    Good Luck!

  4. Usually it takes a hot, strong coffee to wake me up but a better way is a hot, strong woman.  

  5. Alarm clock


  7. If you are really serious to wake up early in the morning, the best would be to go to bed earlier in proportion to waking time.

    All the best.

  8. I have the same feeling as you.... lazy like a zombie.... coffee cannot help YOU, it makes you become coffee-addict.

    I have solved my problem, it is very easy, just follow me like below:

    1. Sleep early.... before 12am, you must go to sleep. You must have enough sleep, a working adult must sleep at least 7 to 8 hours per day. So, you adjust your timing and what time that you want to wake up for work.

    2. If you want to wake up at 7am, then you must set an alarm to wake up at 7am. If your alarm rings at 7am, please don't lie on the bed again, because it makes you more lazy...

    3. If you feel like a zombie, go and have a cold shower, it will make you refresh all the morning. Before going to shower, you can do some warm-up exercise for 10mins. It can helps you to make your mind awake.

    4. Try to avoid coffee, drink some tea, milo, or milk, so that your health is good. Caffine is not good for health.

    It can helps you that your whole day is more awake and please don't take a nap in the noon, otherwise, haywire.

  9. i drink coffee... but i also use that 8-hour energy drink.... it really helps and it dont make you sick or jittery......

  10. Cold shower, fruit with breakfast, and getting up before you have to so your not rushed!

  11. You are going to bed too late every night. Try going to your bed an hour earlier and see what it does for your mornings. Good luck!  

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