
Your boyfriend tells you... Guy's Opinions??

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I was just wondering what a good response to a statement/question like "I have issues, but I want to get passed them, I want to be with you. I feel like you just shrugged me off and it makes me believe you want something, but not necessarily me". Then in the next breath he says something like "I don't want to live life without you, I believe in us and I love you. There's got to be a way to figure this out, I want you". What the heck does that mean and how is a girl supposed to reply?




  1. do you love him??

    if you do then tell him what the problem is and try to fix it.....and be happy forever!!!

    if you dont then tell him you dont want to know and you need time...because your not ready for this....later if you feel the same then tell him your sorry but you cant be with him...=[

    hope i helped...=]

  2. It means he's going through some issues but he still wants you, just ask him if there's anything you can do to help him out with whatever's going on in his mind, and that you're there for him. If it works and you guys come out of it together, the relationship would only be stronger.  

  3. He says he's got his own problems and wants to be rid of them so he can be wiht you.

    He thinks you're going through a rough patch together and wants to work through it and be with you, he loves you.

    I can't tell you what to say because I don't know how you feel.

    If you love him then, just tell him you love him and want to be with you. Say you want to work through whatever his problems are with him and want to be with him.

    Well that's what I would imagine he wants know and hear from you.

    Remember guys mean what they say and will never judge you for what you say back to them.

    Hope this helped.

  4. guy sounds like an idiot and thinks too much sounds obsessive compulsive break up with him his mind is not right, he may attack you one night in a fit of rage after you forgot to do the dishes

  5. It means he likes you and thinks you don't like him.

    He's insecure, probably not the best trait to go after.

  6. If you really don't understand what hes saying  Just break up with him and end the torture.  

  7. He sounds like a loser. You should seriously consider your relationship with him. I have seen many people like that and in the long run its not worth it. Ditch him and find a man.

  8. Ask him out for a cup of coffee.

  9. i think hes jsut asking you to do it with him.

    say yes or im not ready

  10. Just tell him where you want the relationship to go. You should have an opinion about him already if he is worth staying with.

    If a guy says something about the relationship and you arent sure what he is trying to say then you will have to be the one to try and make sense of the relationship.  Good luck.

  11. basically it means wat he was saying.

    he wants to be with you.

    thru good times and badd.

    but you have to meet him half wayy.

    you have to want to work things owt when they get hard.

    you have to want to get thru it because the good times out wiegh the badd.

  12. he just means he whats to stick with u but he could say it more clear

  13. well how old are you?

    if your only a young teen like in the 14-15 range, hes just having horemones probably.

    or else he just really REALLY likes you

  14. Tell him"I have no idea what you are talking about, what issues do you have?"

    Tell them you want to know what they are before going any further.Then add no s*x until you are married.

  15. im, not a guy.

    but that means you guys are in

    a rut, but he wants to get passed it,

    cause hes madly in love with you.

    so whatevers wrong, get passed it, cause

    he sounds like a perfect guy.




  16. He is practically asking if you want him too and if you will work through the hard times  

  17. That guy is just out of his mind, in 3 days he'll think "What the **** was i thinking???"  Just say "No, your wrong."  (I'm assuming this isn't after s*x.)

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