
Your choice - GOD or FRIENDS?

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are you afraid to talk about God with your friends becz you will lose their friendship?

i welcome answers from intellectuals and not from those who talk sarcastic.




  1. =) Aaah - I am not afraid ever to talk about my one and only God ! If you know me then you are definitely going to hear about God ~

  2. GOD OF COURSE.  why the heck would u choose ur friends over God? duhher.  

  3. if your friend leaves you because your talking about the lord. seems to me the friendship was shallow to begin with.

  4. God.

  5. worry more about your english you "intellectual"

  6. I choose God. I have lost friends because of my faith.

  7. Dont be ashamed of the lord

  8. no

  9. Well when I was christian, now I'm more atheist I didn't, and don't have a problem talking about god with my friends.

  10. My friends and I always have deep intellectual talks over the nature of god and existence. Most times with help from our good friend Ms Mary Jane. Metaphysics is always fun

  11. not really cause most of my friends are christians, but however i got friends from other religions and im not afraid of telling them about god. for me god is more important than friends and family

  12. No. I am fortunate to have friends that enjoy talking about God with me.  Of course, we do talk about many other things too.  There are some who tend to feel uncomfortable talking about God, and I don't mind keeping it minimal.  And I have learned that it is better to pray than to push.  If they want to talk about it they'll ask.

    Pray for the lost, the time is short.

  13. I'm comfortable enough with my friends that I know I wouldn't lose their friendship over differences in beliefs.  But, I admit that sometimes I hesitate to bring up my views on the world as it's tiring feeling misunderstood.  I don't think I'd ever have to choose between the two, though.  

  14. Don't be afraid to talk about God.  But you should  also listen to what others say about Him. You learn more by listening than talking, and you also gain more friends.  

  15. i can see the light of god in most of my friends and if they r lacking i pray for them and with them -i obey the lord and do his will and not my own- i am holy spirit led-peace be with u

  16. Good question.   I used to be afraid to talk about God to my friends because I thought they would think I was preaching at them or that I was wierd.. Well I am wierd. LOL   But I have learned not to worry about that and to try to talk to my friends about God. You can tell when you are pushing to hard and making them uncomfortable or making them angry.  Sometimes you just have to be very patient. Wait for appropriat times to talk about the Lord . And always pray for them  and for God to help you when the time is right to talk to them.

       God bless you.

  17. I'd imagine you can talk to your friends about God, if you like.  However, good friendships are reciprocal and respectful.  If your friends think you aren't being respectful, or that the relationship has become a one-way mouthpiece for your views on God, they might not want to hang around for too long.

  18. Friends of course. Unlike god, my friends can directly help me in times of troubles.

    Just think about it, god has everything, he is omniscient, omnipresent, and on top of that omnipotent!!

    Ask yourself, what does he do all day?....answer prayers and tally deeds...hmm, talk about omnilaziness. At least I help my family and I don't even have a fraction of his omnipotence

  19. God. without him you would not be here and neither would your friends. If one is ashamed of their religion or afraid of loosing their friends because of their love for God, then they don't have very good friends or strong Faith. I find it hard to talk to some people but if I were told I had to "leave God or my views at the door or outside" then I wouldn't go.

  20. My friends and I agree and disagree on many issues, it would just be another issue to talk about and debate.  A real friend is a friend through thick and thin.  If I lost a friend because I didn't share the same belief as them they weren't a real friend to begin with.

    Of course, if you mean "minister to" when you say "talk" that's completely a different story.  Each person's beliefs are their own and no one has a right to try to force their belief down the throat of someone else.

  21. This is something that I have struggled with and I'm not proud of it. I look at it like this, if your friend were about to walk off of a cliff and he didn't know it, a good friend would tell him. That cliff represents h**l so how would you like to go to heaven except your friends aren't there because nobody told them. Please pray for me.

  22. "But whosoever shall deny me before men, him will I also deny before my Father which is in heaven." Matthew 10:33

  23. Friends. Just because I don't believe in God.

    And you shouldn't have to choose. If your friends don't believe in God or are a different religion you should respect that. If they are Christian then go ahead and talk.

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