
Your choice for a new varmint/predator rifle?

by  |  earlier

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I do like to watch things explode, including small furry animals, lol




  1. Lol .300 RUM for varmints. That is way over doing it. Although watching stuff explode would be neat. Like watermelons and such. And remington has several varmint rifles including the SPS, VTR, R-15, and VLS. I am a big fan of the 700 action. Not just because I have been using it for a while but because It works, well. For a caliber any one of those that you suggested would work fine. .204 is a favorite of mine. and that would work perfect for what you want to kill.  

  2. You asked my choice, so I will have to say that the .223 is what I use.

    I own a match grade AR that shoots heavy .223 well. I shoot as well as any bolt out there, and hit Coyote out 100 meters or more.

    I also make 1 inch groups out to 200 meters with ease.

    Now if I were to use somthing else, I would use the .243.

    As I see it, you already have a .223, so why get anything else in a .22 caliber. The .243 in a 50 grain bullet can shoot as flat as a 22-250. It can also kill deer in a 100 grain bullet, making it a good double duty gun.

    I also am a fan of the .308. I own 2 match shooters(one bolt, and one AR style). They too shoot 1 inch or less at 200 meters.

    I would stay away from the 223 wssm, as that it is just a crazy wildcat that has not caught on yet; if you reload, you need brass, and this may become scarce.

    I own a H&R 1871 in 45-70, and one in .223. These guns are great shooters for most hunting ranges. They do not shoot like a match grade gun, but they only cost 250 bucks. You will not miss due to a single shot H&R.

    Obviously if money is not an issue, stick to a Remington match grade gun, or get a custom one built for what you plan to shoot.

    Good Luck

  3. For long range,small to mid-size game,and those dangerous milk jugs,I would go with a 22-250.I have shot coyotes,and praire dogs,and armadillos out to 400 yards with it.a good varmit rifle with a long range scope,and it's game over.

  4. There is not much to respond to. You laid out the question and basically answered it yourself. 1. Not worried about pelt damage. 2. You want to see the action.

    In the Additional Details you mention my favorite bullet too. Except I load it in a 308 for varmint and use Norma 201 powder.

    I have found that lesser cost single shot rifles are not as accurate as the T/C or bolt guns. T/C shoots like a bolt gun.

    I shoot Remington 700's and older model Ruger 77's (no MKII's, I can't stand them) Either model you should be very happy driving the VMax downrange.

  5. G'Day mate i really don't know what to say the thing's you have said you should have an answer yrself ,but i will say a .223 wssm is not suited for a target shooter,.223 barrel has a accuracy life limit of 2700 round before you start to see a change in accuracy but to a hunter the change would matter to much to him because the change is still with in a vital  area.A target shooter will burn out that barrel in a few days.I have shot both of the wssm in the .223 and the 243 and i will say the 243 is fantastic it travel's about 4300 fps.But you don't care about damage it does, so i would get a 7mm or 308,30 06 and blow them to kingdom ***.cheers mate

  6. Well, if you don't have to worry about exit wounds ... buwahahahahahahaha! I like a .7mm rem mag for accuracy, or .300 H&H or 300 Weatherby mag.

    When you try to get to much speed out of a round like a .300 you lose accuracy, especially at longer ranges. You have to work things out so that everything balances out to make it accurate or it ends up with an effect kind of like throwing a feather, much less pronounced than that of course, but that effect on the bullet where it buffets around and can even tumble until you take a lot of heat off it. Now you can work on some .130 grain pills or even .150 and get out there with accuracy and some serious striking power. I used to shoot rock chucks over the snake river canyon at close to 800 yards, with a 7mm rem mag, but that was a special gun and I dialed in the loads perfectly grain by grain. You will never do that with a .220 swift or one of those speedy .17s with 4000+fps that live fast and die young.

    I did see one of those .50 cal sniper rifles for around $1500 used, speaking of not worrying about exit wounds, lol, but that's a heck of a lot of gun. You can reach out and touch from over a mile though, just something to think about ... I know I am ...evil grin : }.

  7. .243 would be my choise. You can kill anything (at leased in the southern states) with one. But yet its a small enough cal.

  8. Definately the .270.  You can hunt anything in the US with it except for moose,and elk.  As a varmit killer, it shoots flat and accurately.  If you are going for pure accuracy, the .223 comes in such a myriad of shapes and weights.  If you can manipulate the powder load, you can tune the round for 1/4 inch groups at 100 yds.

    For parts and maintenance, I would choose the Remington in 700 action.

    If you want a challenge in varments, use a .22LR.  Unless of course you like to see your game explode.

  9. A tikka T3 Super Varmint. The .223 Comes with a 6 round magazine, then another round in the chamber so you can hold 7 rounds in the gun. Very Accurate!

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