
Your choice for greatest work of genius 3-15 pages.?

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I want to challenge myself by memorizing something. I have a horrible long term memory. I'm thinking 3-15 pages. Should be a work originally written in english or translated expertly. Does not have to be poetry. Must have faultless grammar, be insightful and motivational, something positive but rational. Bonus if it is of practical use. Essentially, something I won't mind having stuck in my brain for the rest of my life. I thought of psalms but I'm looking for other ideas.




  1. uhmmm? you want to memorize something?

    well....heres my poemm?

    what do you think??;...

  2. I memorised The Waste Land, a while ago.  It is a well-considered poem, so I like having it as part of my mental furniture.  There is a recording of T.S. Eliot reading the poem, which I would highly recommend if you try this; his reading voice is very unusual, but I grew very attached to it.  The poem is more optimistic, perhaps, than upbeat-- and if you are not already familiar with it, it is one of those poems which is only comprehensible after reading quite a bit of commentary.

    My other recommendation would be some of Shakespeare's Sonnets, which only fully reveal themselves when they are memorised-- or you might try just a few of your favourite monologues or scenes from the plays.  

    I would not be so bold as to choose a greatest work of genius in 3-15 pages.

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