
Your dreams and goals, which is worst to try and fail or never try and regret?

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Your dreams and goals, which is worst to try and fail or never try and regret?




  1. To try and fail would be better, because you will learn from that experience and maybe do it differently next time.

    It's far worse to never try and never know what might have been

  2. you can always tell stories of your failures, your regrets have no story

  3. Never try and regret.

  4. Not trying at all is far worse.  A sincere attempt that ends in failure is at least "going down like a man (or woman)"

  5. probably never try and regret, although at the time failing will seem pretty terrible

  6. To never try is worse.  You learn invaluable lessons when you try, no matter if you succeed or not.  Keep tryin'!

  7. people learn from failures but what can you learn from not trying

  8. I think it's worse to never try and regret, because if you try and fail, then you know that you can't do it. If you never try then you never know what you're capable of.

  9. To never try and regret. You will think about it always and it will eat at you everyday. I gave up dreams and goals because I thought it would be better so my Husband could complete his goals and achieve his dreams. By doing this I taught him that my hopes and dreams don't matter. Now I am on the right path to achieve my dream finally! I realized that my dreams and goals would eat at me and I would never truly be happy unless I tried. Even if I failed...atleast then I knew I tried and it didn't work out. But It's working! Now I can feel the old me back!

  10. Not trying is def. worse!

  11. I've always subscribed to the following...

    "It's better to aim for the stars, and fall short, because you'll come closer (and go further) then those that don't try at all."

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