
Your experience ?

by Guest64735  |  earlier

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You must have at least once in your life slept under a tree or in a grassy area in the peace giving shade. Its indeed enjoying. I even have the experience of studying beneath a tree. How do you feel when under such conditions ? Cool and calm? Or boring? C'mon , share your experience here and share everything you like to !!!!!




  1. Ya! it's fun studying beneath a tree,quit and peaceful

  2. i love nature. sitting under a tree is very relaxing, especially when your toking on a fatty.

  3. Nature's gift

  4. I love taking a nap outside.  Being outside in nature is such a wonderful feeling!  There is nothing else that compares.  I really enjoy sitting underneath my Magnolia tree and sipping Iced Tea as I take a break from tending to my flower garden.  The sounds of birds chirping and children playing brings a smile to my face.  I will also sit down with a good book and read in the shade of a tree.  Even if that tree is in the parking lot of my work.

  5. Yeah, me too, but when you sleep or study, you must hear music then can enjoy fully

  6. i love clean & green environment

  7. That's one of the most beautiful experiences anyone can have, just feel the wind... the noise that all the leafs made when they are moved... You can meditate easily because you are in deep connection with nature... or just sit and feel one with our planet... BEAUTIFUL...

  8. I used to lie down on green grass,  under a pine tree on Lal Tibba, Mussoorie, India, at 8000 feet, above MSL. How can forget the years, of olden days....................

  9. I grew up in the woods so this was a frequent experience in my childhood and early adult years. I always felt at home and at peace in the woods.

  10. awesome!

  11. that's a lovely experience

  12. we have a local tree roughly translated "happiness" in English. it is exactly as its name suggests. every time i sit under its shade it makes me happy.

  13. heheh nice question... yes a  tree is so relaxing!! and funny enough my idea of relaxation, is just that! me relaxing under a tree reading a book, it's too bad that my mortgage and other bills have gotten the best of me and haven't been able to do it for many years... thinkin to myself im only 27 and don't enjoy the good things in life. im outta here, goin to go pick up a book,,,

  14. I love having an afternoon nap on the beach in summer. Waking up is the best part - to wake up on the sand looking at the ocean...

  15. Thats a very gud expeince . i love the sounds of the animals which are funny. Thats a wonderaful experince . i like tht experinces a lot

  16. Lovely!
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